Featured Resources
Ask the Specialist: Larrakia, Tiwi and Yolŋu stories to inspire better healthcare
Available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google podcasts. ‘Ask the Specialist’ is a cultural education podcast which answers doctors’ questions about working with Aboriginal patients at Top End hospitals. “The Specialists”...
Hep B Story App
The Hep B Story App is a visual, interactive app designed for patients living with chronic hepatitis B (hep B) and their families. It tells the story of the hep B virus, how you get it, what happens over time, how you know you have it as well as details...
Digital Stay Strong Plan
The Digital Stay Strong plan is an interactive digital version of the Stay Strong Pictorial Care Plan – a holistic, strengths based and person-centred approach to having a yarn about wellbeing. The tool assists with rapport building, goal setting and self-management. For optimal use please download on a desktop computer or laptop in Adobe Acrobat reader.