Our Vision:
- To find enduring solutions to health problems that matter.
Our Purpose:
- To achieve sustainable health improvements through excellence and leadership in research, education and capacity development.
Our Values:
- Quality: we strive for excellence and rigour in everything we do.
- Integrity: we are open, honest and transparent, and maintain the highest standards of governance, accountability and ethics.
- Relevance: we concentrate on solving problems that matter; our work is informed by the health needs and shared priorities of the people and communities with whom we work.
- Partnerships: we seek to partner with communities, health and other service providers, policy-makers and other researchers.
- Innovation: we embrace new approaches and technologies.
- Communication: we maintain an ongoing dialogue with partners, stakeholders and the local and national community during the research process, from conception through to completion and translation of results.
- Accountability: we take responsibility for our actions and results.