Car parking:

Due to limited car parking we recommend you catch a taxi to Menzies where possible. For those who cannot, a car parking map and information about parking costs is below.

RDH campus parking:

Please note that car parking fees no longer apply at the hospital.

CDU campus parking:

Menzies is located at building Red 9 on the Casuarina campus.

Pay and Display Voucher parking is available at certain car parks. Please refer to the CDU campus map  for exact locations. The vouchers can be purchased from machines located in the car parks. The cost of voucher parking is:

  • 50c per hour
  • $1.00 for three hours
  • $1.50 per day

Pay and Display Vouchers are required between the hours of 7:00 am and 7:30 pm Monday to Friday and must be displayed clearly on the dashboard of the vehicle.

  1. Royal Darwin Hospital campus parking map
  2. CDU Casuarina campus map