1. MEDIA RELEASE | Menzies’ CRESTRA part of newly funded national consortium to improve primary healthcare
  2. MEDIA RELEASE | Menzies unveils new brand in 40th year
  3. MEDIA RELEASE | Menzies fó sai Marka foun iha tinan 40 nia laran
  4. MEDIA RELEASE | Investigator Grants to tackle key health issues in the Territory
  5. MEDIA RELEASE | New grant to investigate climate preparedness of remote communities
  6. MEDIA RELEASE | New research uncovers factors that increase unintentional injury hospitalisation
  7. MEDIA RELEASE | ‘See, Stop, Scan’ key to ensuring best pregnancy outcomes for First Nations mums and bubs
  8. MEDIA RELEASE | Central Australia health leader announced as Menzies Medallion recipient
  9. MEDIA RELEASE | Global Partnerships a key focus of the 10th World Melioidosis Congress
  10. Experts converge in Dili for the fourth One Health Symposium
  11. MEDIA RELEASE | MoU signed showing housing is a critical health priority
  12. MEDIA RELEASE | “If they help us, we can help them” – Solutions to enhance cultural safety in hospital care
  13. MEDIA RELEASE | Impact of intimate partner violence on child health
  14. MEDIA RELEASE | SHELab Getting to know her health
  15. MEDIA RELEASE | Menzies Timor-Leste Program Celebrates 5 Years of Impact
  16. MEDIA RELEASE | Rapping for wellbeing: New youth hip-hop video launched
  17. MEDIA RELEASE | Understanding the intergenerational impact of diabetes: a key part to  improving care across the lifecourse
  18. MEDIA RELEASE | Milestone study reveals extreme staff turnover in remote health services
  19. MEDIA RELEASE | Requirements for safely implementing mandatory alcohol treatment
  20. MEDIA RELEASE | First participants recruited for study tackling malnutrition in Timor-Leste
  21. MEDIA RELEASE | Menzies youth training Centre honoured with Larrakia name
  22. MEDIA RELEASE | Menzies and UNPAZ launch global antimicrobial resistance research partnership: CAMO-NET
  23. MEDIA RELEASE | Menzies researchers RESPOND to priority diseases in our global neighbourhood
  24. MEDIA RELEASE | New research: NT children receive an effective vaccine to reduce hearing loss
  25. MEDIA RELEASE | One Health approach adopted in Timor-Leste to address Brucellosis
  26. MEDIA RELEASE | NHMRC Grants awarded to investigate local and global health challenges
  27. MEDIA RELEASE | Management tool available to empower families with their child’s lung health
  28. MEDIA RELEASE | New research uncovers support for pill testing in the NT
  29. MEDIA RELEASE | Menzies takes the stand to address the diabetes epidemic
  30. Febrile Podcast #94 - Of Microbes and Mud
  31. MEDIA RELEASE | Is malaria treatment safer than we think? New study investigates
  32. MEDIA RELEASE | Prestigious international scholarship recognises the importance of skin health research
  33. MEDIA RELEASE | Is tafenoquine a cost-effective treatment option for Plasmodium vivax malaria?
  34. MEDIA RELEASE | Five Menzies researchers awarded NHMRC Investigator Grants
  35. MEDIA RELEASE | Funding ‘REACT’ion: Menzies PhD student receives NHMRC Scholarship
  36. MEDIA RELEASE | More ear checks needed to prevent hearing loss in remote Australia
  37. MEDIA RELEASE | Expanding malaria treatment could help accelerate elimination
  38. MEDIA RELEASE | Stay Strong mental health leaders awarded Menzies Medallion
  39. MEDIA RELEASE | Menzies Oration: Why good public policy matters in the NT
  40. MEDIA RELEASE | $3.5 million granted to improve diabetes care for First Nations youth
  41. MEDIA RELEASE | Grant awarded to measure air quality in East Arnhem
  42. MEDIA RELEASE | Babies better protected against whooping cough if mum is vaccinated during  pregnancy
  43. MEDIA RELEASE | New digital tool encourages First Nations people to Stay Strong
  44. RACGP Foundation launches PhD Scholarships
  45. MEDIA RELEASE | New evidence supports higher dose antimalarial to combat relapsing malaria
  46. KOMUNIKADU IMPRENSA | Renova MoU atu haforsa servisu ba moras zoonótiku iha Timor-Leste
  47. MEDIA RELEASE | MoU renewed to strengthen zoonotic disease work in Timor-Leste
  48. Menzies TL renova akordu ho MAPPF
  49. MEDIA RELEASE | Funding secured to support new iteration of wellbeing app
  50. menzies ho governu TL prefere alkansa saude neebe diak ba povu
  51. MEDIA RELEASE | More preventive maintenance recommended in remote community housing
  52. Menzies Timor Leste rejista kaju tuberkoloze hamutuk 117
  53. MEDIA RELEASE I Collaboration is key: Menzies Timor-Leste office celebrates fourth anniversary
  54. KOMUNIKADU IMPRENSA | Kolaborasaun mak xave: Eskritóriu Menzies Timor-Leste selebra aniversáriu  da-haat
  55. Menzies halo peskiza nasional TBC ihamunisipiu 10 deteta pozitivu 117
  56. Menzies halo peskiza nasional TBC iha munisipiu 10 deteta pozitivu 117
  57. MENZIES Ho MAPPF Asina Renovasaun MoU Relasiona Ho Vijilansia
  58. 4 Tahun Menzies Hadir Di Timor Leste
  59. Menzies and MALFF sign MoU renewed to strengthen work of zoonotic disease in TL
  60. Menzies-MAPPF perbarui kerjasama atasi penyakit zoonosis di timor leste
  61. Ministerio Agrikultura, Pecuaria no Floresta Asina Dader Ne'e Nota Entedimento ho Menzies School of Health Research
  62. Ministeriu Agrikultura ba Pekuaria, Peska no Floresta ho Menzies School of Health Research renova MoU atu haforsa servisu vijilansia ba AMR no AMU ba setor saude animal
  63. The Voice to Parliament "creates an opportunity to codesign a healthy future"
  64. MEDIA RELEASE | Codesign and communication supports a healthier future
  65. MEDIA STATEMENT | Menzies School of Health Research in support of Referendum
  66. MEDIA RELEASE | Urgent action needed to reverse steep decline of new GPs
  67. MEDIA RELEASE | Hep B program highlights expertise as CDU Menzies School of Medicine seeks more student placements in the NT
  68. MEDIA RELEASE | NHMRC funding awarded to tackle malaria and pneumonia on a global scale
  69. Voice to Parliament: a Northern Territory doctor's perspective
  70. MEDIA RELEASE | Research award supports the development of digital mental health resources
  71. MEDIA RELEASE | Global study highlights Menzies’ program as a leading example of diabetes best practice
  72. MEDIA RELEASE | Menzies’ researchers contribute to global studies on structural racism’s impact on unequal diabetes cases and care
  73. MAP-MS Diskute Asuntu Prevensaun Moras Brucelose
  74. MAP No MS Lansa Projetu Prevene Moras Brucelosis
  75. Menzies launches a BRUCE-TL project to tackle brucellosis disease
  76. KOMUNIKADU IMPRENSA | Lansamentu aprosimasaun One-Health hodi kontrola Brucelosis iha Timor-Leste
  77. MEDIA RELEASE | One-Health approach to control brucellosis launched in Timor-Leste
  78. AMR microbiology services at five referral hospitals in Timor-Leste
  79. AMR microbiology services at five referral hospitals in Timor-Leste
  80. MEDIA RELEASE | Improved digital healthcare focus of 3-year Fellowship
  81. MEDIA RELEASE | Calls to regulate alcohol industry’s influence on health policies
  82. Menzies supports Timor-Leste expanding microbiology service in five municipality
  83. KOMUNIKADU IMPRENSA | Kapasitasaun habelar ona iha Laboratóriu Hospitál Referál 5 iha Timor-Leste
  84. MEDIA RELEASE | Capacity expanded at all 5 Timor-Leste Referral Hospital Laboratories
  85. MEDIA RELEASE | New study finds fewer vaccine doses still support pneumococcal immunity
  86. MEDIA RELEASE | Translating medical research into improved care and health outcomes in the Top End
  87. Translating medical research into improved health care in the Top End 
  88. MEDIA RELEASE | Menzies appoints new Deputy Directors Research
  89. MEDIA RELEASE | New Centre for Research Excellence to address remote healthcare needs
  90. KOMUNIKADU IMPRENSA | Coronavirus hadi'a abilidade atu rezolve moras infesiozu sira iha Timor-Leste
  91. MEDIA RELEASE | Coronavirus improves ability to tackle infectious diseases in Timor-Leste
  92. Kidney health mentors making a difference to mental wellbeing  | Partyline
  93. MEDIA RELEASE | Menzies researcher recognised for Excellence in Outstanding Early-Career Research
  94. Menzies apoia estudo sobre sarampo e rubeola em timor-leste
  95. Jornal Nacional 23 November 2022 (clip 3)
  96. Jornal Nacional 23 November 2022 (clip 2)
  97. Jornal Nacional 23 November 2022
  98. Labarik Ho Idade 15 Mai Kraik Pursentu Lima Nulu Imunidade Menus
  99. Jornal Nacional 22 November 2022
  100. INS holds International Sceintifica Conference to strengthen disease control system
  101. Conferencia destaca necessidade de tratamento de doencas infeciosas
  102. Menzies pretende reforcar laboratorio nacional no apoio ao combate a doencas infeciosas
  103. INS realiza konferensia internasional haforsa Sistema diagnostiku no kontrola moras hadaet
  104. Peskiza Menzies Rekomenda MS Halo Kampanha Vasina Rutina
  105. WHO-Menzies commit to strengthening TL’s health system in combating infectious diseases
  106. MEDIA RELEASE | Menzies launches distribution of AIMhi-Y app
  107. MEDIA RELEASE | Menzies research wins international award
  108. MEDIA RELEASE | Menzies researchers in the top 2 per cent
  109. MEDIA RELEASE | 2022 Menzies Oration and Medallion presentation
  110. MEDIA RELEASE | Examining the effects of extreme heat on health service delivery in remote Australia
  111. MEDIA RELEASE | Training remote health workers to diagnose rheumatic heart disease
  112. MEDIA RELEASE | Experiences of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living with type 2 diabetes
  113. ABC Radio National | Caring for Indigenous youth with type 2 diabetes
  114. MEDIA RELEASE | Sustained training key to support health services to cope with challenges
  115. Get involved and be a Citizen Climate Scientist
  116. ABC Radio National | When malaria policy gets personal
  117. MEDIA RELEASE | Menzies Timor-Leste anniversary marks achievements and challenges, tackling infectious diseases old and new
  118. KOMUNIKADU IMPRENSA | Menzies Timor-Leste nia aniversáriu marka susesu no dezafiu sira, hodi kombate moras infesiozu tuan no foun sira
  119. GMNTV - Peskiza Nasionál Prevalénsia Tuberkuloze iha Timor-Leste
  120. RTTL - Peskiza Nasionál Prevalénsia Tuberkuloze iha Timor-Leste
  121. Governu Australia fo US$800 00 ba Halo Peskiza Tuberkuloze Iha Timor-Leste
  122. Organizasaun Menzies koopera ho Minist Saude kombate tuberkuloza
  123. Organizasaun Menzies apoiu makina x-rey ba Minsteriu Saude
  124. Australia apoiu $800 ba MS halo peskiza ba moras tuberkoluze iha TL
  125. MS-Menzies Buka Tuir Abut Moras TB
  126. MEDIA RELEASE | National Tuberculosis Prevalence Survey of Timor-Leste
  127. KOMUNIKADU IMPRENSA | Peskiza Nasionál Prevalénsia Tuberkuloze iha Timor-Leste
  128. MEDIA RELEASE | Community-led approach delivers promising results to reduce rheumatic fever
  129. MEDIA RELEASE | Increasing the amount of training time in rural areas increased the odds that GPs work rurally
  130. CDU Newsroom | Western Sydney University, CDU and Menzies partner to establish the Northern Territory’s own medical school
  131. Diabetes rates in Central Australia among highest in the world, new research shows
  132. Diabetes rates in Central Australia among highest in the world, new research shows
  133. VIDEO: Highest rates of diabetes found in Central Australia
  134. Bioinformatics training for researchers striving to improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  135. MEDIA RELEASE | Landmark vaccine study identifies innovative use of vaccines for protection of babies worldwide
  136. Aboriginal people in remote NT 26 times more likely to be diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes
  137. Type two diabetes epidemic plaguing NT communities
  138. Diabetes epidemic hits Central Australia
  139. ABC Online | Elcho Island elders celebrate new dialysis nurse and treatment, bringing them home to families
  140. MEDIA RELEASE | New research shows growing diabetes epidemic in remote NT communities
  141. How online sports betting companies exert pressure on government to pay less tax
  142. ‘Total ban’: could this be the last generation of smokers?
  143. Voice of Islam | World Health Day 2022: Our Planet and our Health - Impacts of smoking
  144. ABC | Concerns about drinking water quality in 'almost all' remote NT communities. What can be done about it?
  145. Argentina Star | War in Ethiopia: addressing mental health needs to be made a priority
  146. The Conversation | War in Ethiopia: addressing mental health needs to be made a priority
  147. MEDIA RELEASE | Menzies renews MoU with Timor-Leste Ministry of Health
  148. Komunikadu  Imprensa | Menzies renova MoU ho Ministeriu Saúde Timor-Leste
  149. DILI POST | Menzies- MS Asina MoU Ba Tinan Tolu
  150. MSHR apoia makina haat ba HoREX Baucau
  151. Largest-ever IPD meta-analysis of malaria patients to inform haemoglobin changes
  152. Medical Express | Using paracetamol for protecting kidneys in patients with severe malaria
  153. Using paracetamol for protecting kidneys in patients with severe malaria
  154. Public lectures share expert insights in health
  155. Tribute Neil Balnaves AO
  156. Bacterial biofilms hold back effective treatment in kids’ lung infections
  157. Sunday Territorian | Medical school critical for NT
  158. NT News | School's strategic board appointed
  159. CDU Newsroom | Boredom and isolation a key trigger for gambling
  160. CDU Newsroom | New Board appointed to CDU Menzies School of Medicine
  161. Study finds biofilm link to persistent wet cough in children
  162. Media release | Bacterial slime causing persistent wet coughs for children
  163. The West Australian | New research sheds light on kids' coughs
  164. ABC Katherine | Remote Laundries pilot in Barunga reduced scabies 'rapidly', now there are plans to expand
  165. Media release | Middle-aged women engaging in risky drinking habits
  166. ABC Online | Katie drinks more than she should. Research shows more middle-aged women are doing the same
  167. New York Times Post | Australians told not to go outside to avoid deadly bacteria
  168. Sunday Territorian | Deadly bacteria cases surge
  169. Nine News | Melioidosis
  170. Building resilience in remote Aboriginal students
  171. $20m Committed to Launch Leading National Research Centres for Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease
  172. Media Release | Study highlights pathways to school success
  173. Study highlights dimensions of resilience among remote Aboriginal middle school students
  174. NT News | Healthy housing urgently needed
  175. Territory Kidney Care: integrated chronic disease support in the NT
  176. MoH-MoAF-Menzies: “One Health” crucial for achieving optimal health outcomes in TL
  177. HEAL network to tackle health impacts of climate change
  178. ABC Darwin Mornings | Sarah Clifford on the History of alcohol laws in the Northern Territory
  179. ABC Darwin Sundays - Job of the week - Infectious Disease Doctor
  180. Researchers at CDU some of the most influential in their fields
  181. Study International | The journey of a Menzies Master's student
  182. MEDIA RELEASE | Crucial tool to assist in the elimination of Chronic Hepatitis B launched
  183. AIMhi mental health app now available for smart phones
  184. The West Australian | Address mothers' basic health needs to reduce preterm birth
  185. CDU announces new School of Medicine for the Territory
  186. New network to protect the health of Australians impacted by climate change
  187. $10 million national network to build resilience to the human health impacts of environmental change
  188. Push for Australian government to ban cigarette retail sales
  189. Expert calls for complete cigarette ban in 10 years time
  190. Aboriginal women with gestational diabetes at increased risk of developing type 2 form, new research shows
  191. Hopes AI program can treat Indigenous hearing loss in remote areas
  192. Media Release | Gestational diabetes an important indicator of developing type 2 diabetes for Aboriginal women
  193. MEDIA RELEASE | $1.5 million to improve patient-provider communication in NT hospitals
  194. NT News | Communication to be better after boost
  195. The Australian | Hit Covid fast: antiviral drugs to keep infected out of hospital
  196. NT News | Menzies takes on an "amazing young man"
  197. The Australian | Spotlight on Indigenous diabetes crisis
  198. Improving understanding of COVID-19, measles, rubella, hepatitis B and dengue epidemiology in Timor-Leste
  199. ABC Darwin | New research shows northern Australia leads the world for type 2 diabetes in young people
  200. Youth-onset type 2 diabetes in the NT exceed international figures
  201. Pandemic Warriors | Inside Timor Leste's COVID testing laboratory
  202. Story of our Children and Young People publication released
  203. ABC News | Men's health
  204. ABC NEWS | Training workshop targets Aboriginal men for community health roles
  205. NT News | Finalists announced
  206. The Guardian | 'It makes us sick'
  207. Tatoli | Menzies launch seroprevalance study to describe the extent of immunity to vaccine-preventable diseases
  208. MEDIA RELEASE | Timor-Leste, Tetun version
  209. MEDIA RELEASE | Timor-Leste
  210. MEDIA RELEASE | Flu vaccine elicits robust immune responses in Aboriginal and  Torres Strait Islander populations
  211. Charles Darwin University unveils plans for local medical school to support the NT's health workforce
  212. Delivering a local medical program for the Territory
  213. NMRC Researchers Utilize a Unique Study Platform to Examine Multiple Diseases in Australia
  214. MEDIA RELEASE | HOTspots platform maps antibiotic resistance patterns across northern Australia
  215. Aboriginal students among CDU honorees at NT Training Awards
  217. NT News | Territory shares in funding
  218. Modern lab software improves healthcare in Timor-Leste
  219. Fortalese sistema saúde iha Timor-Leste
  220. Strengthening health systems in Timor-Leste
  221. Menzies researchers say zero-alcohol beverages a cause for concern
  222. Mellora diagnóstiku no vijilánsia ba moras infeksiozu sira iha Timor-Leste
  223. Tuberculosis rates fall in the Top End
  224. TL: Labarik Barak Sofre Moras Reumatismu Fuan
  225. Improving diagnosis and surveillance of infectious diseases in Timor-Leste
  226. Q&A: What You Need to Know About Melioidosis
  227. Zero alcohol dispute over “gateway drink” claims
  228. Drinks industry responds to report linking zero-alcohol products and underage drinking
  229. NT News | Beers fears for children
  230. Zeroing in on zero-alcohol beverages
  231. Zero-alcohol beverages – harm-minimisation tool or gateway drink?
  232. Nursing shortage in Central Australian remote communities due to border restrictions
  233. New insights into immune responses to malaria
  234. NT News | Melioidosis death rates drop to 6%
  235. Nine News Darwin: Fewer Deaths From Melioidosis
  236. ABC Online | Thirty-year Menzies melioidosis study finds cases are rising but mortality has tumbled
  237. Fewer deaths from melioidosis direct result of 30-year study
  238. AMA NT calls for 'urgent' tobacco reform to butt out high Indigenous smoking rates
  239. New Partnership to Help Eliminate Complex and Persistent Malaria
  240. New Partnership launched to accelerate elimination of relapsing P. vivax malaria
  241. A New $25 Million Unitaid Partnership to Help Eliminate Complex and Persistent Malaria
  242. New Partnership launched to accelerate elimination of relapsing P. vivax malaria that poses a risk to an estimated 2.5 billion people worldwide
  243. Training for NT General Practitioners facing a grim future
  244. Establishing a First Nations research network
  245. Innovative study traced families for decades
  246. East Arnhem Health Partnership Symposium
  247. Australia invests in seven research projects using data to improve primary care
  248. Curva epidémica em tendência descendente em Timor-Leste
  249. $12.9 Million for New Research to Improve Primary Health Care
  250. Here’s an approach to mentoring that can help close the leadership gender gap
  251. ABC Online | Amputee Crystal Love Johnson set for stage comeback after long battle with diabetes
  252. $74 million investment in Australian-led clinical trials
  253. MEDIA RELEASE: Boost for male health as Flinders University joins research alliance
  254. 15/06/2021 Mix FM 11am news - renal bus
  255. 15/06/2021 Mix FM 7:30 news - new renal bus
  256. The wheels on the 'culturally sensitive renal bus' go round and round. ABC Radio interview
  257. Hunter researcher and ENT surgeon Kelvin Kong addresses National Press Club and officially receives ASMR medal
  258. NT News | Aerosol deodorants off our Coles shelves
  259. New bus for renal patients
  260. Citizen Scientists to help in important national research projects
  261. Citizen Scientists to help in important national research projects
  262. Parasites may accumulate in spleens of asymptomatic individuals infected with malaria
  263. Global costs of Plasmodium vivax malaria estimated for the first time.
  264. First study to estimate the global costs due to vivax malaria
  265. MEDIA RELEASE | First study to estimate the global costs due to vivax malaria
  266. Media Statement | World No Tobacco Day: Time for governments to phase out cigarette sales
  267. Malaria is not only a blood disease, it also hides in the spleen, scientists have discovered
  268. Congratulations Jahdai Vigona
  269. Hidden malaria life cycle discovered in the spleen
  271. Preventing infant wheeze and childhood asthma
  272. Researchers edge closer to better flu vaccine for Indigenous people across the world
  273. Towards a universal flu vaccine for Indigenous populations
  274. COVID-19: Autoridades timorenses estimam mais de 50 mil casos em Díli
  275. COVID-19 vaccination video in Kunwinjku
  276. NHMRC national network for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health researchers
  277. Establishing a National Network for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health researchers
  278. COVID-19 breaks out in Timor-Leste
  279. The NT’s tough-on-crime approach won’t reduce youth offending. This is what we know works
  280. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare releases worrying new report but RHDAustralia says it remains optimistic
  281. A$1.5m awarded to Asia-Pacific research collaborations
  282. 2021 Howard Williams Medal winner announced
  283. Dry Indigenous community 'months' from opening tavern to combat home-brew
  284. Research can be ‘vital part’ of GPs’ caring role
  285. The number of people with rheumatic heart disease in Australia continues to grow
  286. Study investigating possible link between water quality and kidney disease in remote Northern Territory
  287. Finding innovative solutions to eliminate vivax malaria by 2030
  288. Thousands homeless in Timor-Leste as the country tries to contain COVID-19
  289. Poker machine losses hit record levels after pandemic shutdowns in the NT
  290. Regional research set to get digital boost
  291. Australian government to support Timor-Leste flood recovery after at least 27 people die
  292. New interactive guidelines for healthy ears
  293. Top honour for leading infectious diseases physician
  294. Drinkers get grog despite register
  295. Leading infectious diseases physician honoured with Frank Fenner Award
  296. ABC News: Interview with Dr Josh Francis about COVID-19 in Timor Leste
  297. Foundation, education provider launch Indigenous scholarship program
  298. New multi-platform interactive guidelines for healthy ears
  299. Ear disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
  300. Otitis media guidelines for Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
  301. Training centre to boost biomedical workforce
  302. Media Release | Opportunities for the next generation of local scientists
  303. Making diabetes care more culturally safe
  304. NT News | Panel Revealed
  305. Danny Gilbert names panel for Darwin Dan Murphy’s review
  306. Working with communities to end rheumatic heart disease
  307. NT News | 'Pleasant surprise' for justice
  308. NT News | Australia Day Honours NT recipients
  309. ABC News | 2021 NT Order of Australia recipients include scientists, space researchers and police
  310. Tapeworm, vertigo and pancreatitis drugs are being trialled as COVID-19 treatments
  311. 9 News Darwin | Melioidosis warning
  312. Unmasking Inequalities Panel 1 Minority Responses to COVID19
  313. Retail Pharmacy | What's  app-ening with my lungs?
  314. NT News | Lung health app
  315. What’s app-ening with my lungs?
  316. Young Australian of the Year finalists committed to helping those in need
  317. NT’s experience shows there’s much more work needed on booze
  318. Territory Q | NT Digital Excellence Awards
  319. Worimi Man Associate Professor Kelvin Kong Takes Menzies Medallion
  320. Paul Kelly officially promoted to chief medical officer
  321. Woolworths Group commits to Independent Panel Review of proposed Dan Murphy’s Darwin development
  322. Problem Gambling Rates Increase in Australia’s Northern Territory, Latest Report Finds
  323. NT Government admits delay releasing problem gambling report
  324. Croakey | Woolworths: a case study of the commercial determinants of health
  325. Media release | Tracking malaria through genetic surveillance
  326. The Segment - Professor Alan Cass, Menzies School of Health Research
  327. 2020 CSL Florey Next Generation Award
  328. EXPERT REACTION: NHMRC Alcohol Guidelines - No more than 10 a week and 4 a day
  329. Health experts deny booze rules 'crusade'
  330. NT podcast recognised on national stage
  331. Nursing student crowned NT Young Australian of Year
  332. Menzies honours Aboriginal ear surgeon
  333. Podcast delivers specialist cultural advice on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healthcare
  334. Dr Aho aspires to lead scientific research
  335. Graduates ready to help solve chronic Indigenous hearing loss
  336. CDU academics named among world’s most influential
  337. Oz Podcast Winners Revealed
  338. University of Newcastle - Alumni Medal for Professional Excellence
  339. Northern Territory: the little health system that could (beat COVID-19)
  340. Northern Territory's strict COVID-19 isolation smashes curve
  341. Rheumatic heart disease endgame could save 650 lives in a decade
  342. University of Newcastle | Aboriginal ear surgeon honoured with Menzies Medallion
  343. NT News | Praise for NT virus tactics
  344. NT News | Indigenous trailblazer honoured
  345. Acclaimed surgeon wins prestigious award
  346. Aboriginal ear surgeon honoured with Menzies Medallion
  347. Understanding health literacy among young Aboriginal men and boys in the NT
  348. Community leaders call for Woolworths Directors to abandon plans for Dan Murphy’s superstore
  349. Making community health training available to remote Indigenous communities during COVID-19
  350. The Freemasons Centre for Male Health and Wellbeing (FCMHW) is set to launch in the Northern Territory
  351. NT News | $300k raised to assist in bridging gap
  352. NT health expert, trainee nurse honoured
  353. This 'Time Machine' is showing what the future holds - for your face
  354. Research shows Indigenous Australians more likely to suffer from emotional distress
  355. Meet the Northern Territory's nominees for the 2021 Australian of the Year Awards
  356. Research shows Indigenous Australians more likely to suffer from emotional distress
  357. NT News | App gives peek into future self
  358. Look into a time machine to see where your health choices will lead
  359. Lost in translation: In search of an end to the malaria epidemic
  360. Restricting sales to pharmacies proposed
  361. ABC News | Melioidosis story
  362. Ex-bank boss to help pick CDU chief
  363. CDU student story | A Master of Public Health made me an even better researcher
  364. CDU student in line to win international competition
  365. Media alert | Outcomes of protracted bacterial bronchitis in children: A 5‐year prospective cohort study
  366. The Australian | Risk study 'would cut child suicides'
  367. CDU student story | Julie is on a mission to better healthcare in her hometown
  368. CityMag | A dual language educational health video connecting two worlds
  369. Empowering remote communities - Healthy Stores 2020
  370. NITV |Remote Healthy Stores trial hailed a success
  371. Irukandji concerns heating up
  372. HOT NORTH Impact Report
  373. NEWS Navigating COVID-19 ‘tiger country’
  374. Rioli aiming to bridge Indigenous health and employment gap
  375. HealthLAB pops up in town to encourage youth to be healthy
  376. CDU to hold 'virtual' graduation ceremony
  377. Students to celebrate academic achievements at virtual grad
  378. CDU grad's US posting
  379. Malaria research leads CDU graduate to USA
  380. Championing women working in health across regional and rural Australia – a new dual-mentorship model
  381. Diabetes in poverty-stricken pregnant women in the NT, highest in the world
  382. The health initiative placing Tiwi ears in Tiwi hands
  383. NT News | Graduates a boost for ear health
  384. Menzies School of Health Research puts Tiwi ears in Tiwi hands
  385. First Nations Telegraph | Tiwi ears in Tiwi hands
  386. Katherine recruits wanted to help with chronic ear health problems
  387. Media release | Tiwi ears in Tiwi hands
  388. COVID workers urge Australia to increase vital aid to poorest countries
  389. Interpreters for Aboriginal people in hospital
  390. The Conversation | Mental health for pregnant women and new mothers: why extra care is needed
  391. ABC News | No solution before NT election for Indigenous dialysis patients desperate to get home
  392. Sunday Territorian | Interpreters vital at RDH
  393. More Aboriginal interpreters result in less self-discharges from hospitals, new research finds
  394. Interpreter boost reduces patient self-discharge
  395. AAMRI’s budget priority: secure the future of Australia’s next generation of talent
  396. Increased interpreter use linked to decrease in patient self-discharges
  397. There are 3 new Closing the Gap education targets: here's what they miss
  398. CoronaCheck #32: Clive Palmer's 'ridiculous' hepatitis B comparison
  399. Exceptional service to microbiology recognised in the Northern Territory
  400. ABC Radio | Late Lunch with Prof Phil Giffard
  401. NT News | Diabetes concern for mums-to-be
  402. Media release | The Hon Greg Hunt MP
  403. InSight+ | "Our children don't have a future": the burden of RHD
  404. Media release | Rates of diabetes in pregnancy continue to rise in the NT
  405. How collaboration and communication are changing diagnostic capacity in Timor-Leste
  406. ABC Radio Darwin | Ask the Specialist's podcast experts address health racism at Royal Darwin Hospital
  407. EXPERT REACTION: Aussie smoking rate falls, alcohol consumption stable, but use of some illicit drugs is up
  408. Combating zoonotic diseases in our region
  409. Menzies app improving asthma management in communities
  410. Combacte-Magnet  EPI-Net | AMR Blind spots
  411. Active screening needed for rheumatic heart disease in the NT
  412. Shining A Much-Needed Light On Aboriginal Health Education
  413. Unique study uncovers barriers to cervical screening for Indigenous women
  414. Media Release| Ask the Specialist: Larrakia, Tiwi and Yolŋu stories to inspire better healthcare
  415. ABC PM | Rising Indigenous cancer death rates are being overlooked
  416. Media release | Unique study uncovers barriers to cervical screening for Indigenous women
  417. Q&A with Menzies Fulbright scholar, Professor James Smith
  418. Impact of maternal anaemia in pregnancy on childhood anaemia discovered
  419. NT News | Asthma app clears air on cure
  420. Media release | Impact of maternal anaemia in pregnancy on childhood anaemia discovered
  421. Media Release | Improving knowledge and understanding of asthma for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families online
  422. Listening to the Voices of Young Indigenous Males About Their Health and Wellbeing: Lessons from Australia
  423. Pacific Beat | Timor-Leste faces dengue fight amid COVID-19 pandemic
  424. Radical cure instrumental in beating malaria
  425. Major research papers retracted over data controversy
  426. Research to lower alarming global maternal mortality
  427. No stigma for smoking among Yolngu people in East Arnhem Land
  428. Immunisation in pregnancy ‘safe’, but uptake still low
  429. Tackling the Top End's deadly dirt disease at the source
  430. Melioidosis research traces source to reduce spread
  431. Short courses really right for the times
  432. An open letter from 119 scientists and researchers to The Lancet
  433. Aboriginal Health News Alert #75 - Corona virus and smoking news
  434. Acute lower respiratory infections in Indigenous infants in the NT
  435. Researchers: empowering First Nations communities on health is key in pandemic responses
  436. Medical Express | Stress not a barrier to quitting the smokes
  437. Media Release | Stress not a barrier to quitting the smokes
  438. Antibiotic use in remote communities contributing to the burden of disease
  439. Five medical research projects recognised in the Northern Territory
  440. Antibiotic use in remote communities contributing to the burden of disease
  441. $400 million funding boost for health and medical research
  442. Reimagining health education in remote communities
  443. Dili laboratory begins testing for coronavirus independently
  444. Q&A with Menzies endocrinologist, Professor Louise Maple-Brown
  445. More than 100 COVID-19 research projects across Australia from Medical Research Institutes
  446. Free needle vending machine set for Katherine
  447. Innovative data use an important step in eliminating hep B
  448. The Magic Cure: A book to help Australian parents talk to kids about coronavirus
  449. ABC News: Impact of services to remote Indigenous communities
  450. Calls for a universal radical cure to treat malaria
  451. Calls for a universal radical cure to treat malaria
  452. Australian doctors aid Timor Leste in COVID-19 fight
  453. Australian doctor in East Timor warns of impact coronavirus could have if it spreads there
  454. Territory wins praise
  455. RDH set to trial cocktail of drugs
  456. The Magic Cure Book - Bridget Myerscough and Professor Anna Ralph
  457. Australian doctors aim to stop COVID-19 from 'tearing through' Timor-Leste
  458. Play to Connect team adapts program to support remote communities during COVID
  459. Trump’s Faulty Malaria-Coronavirus Connection
  460. Expert opinion - Kidney disease and COVID-19
  461. The role of universities in times of national crisis
  462. Cancer and COVID-19 - What it means for our mob
  463. History of tuberculosis control in Australia
  464. COVID-19 health messaging in language
  465. The tobacco industry in the time of COVID-19: time to shut it down?
  466. Q&A with infectious diseases expert Professor Josh Davis
  467. The answer to Indigenous vulnerability to coronavirus: a more equitable public health agenda
  468. Dr Lisa Whop - The answer to Indigenous vulnerability to COVID-19
  469. Strengthening family relationships through play
  470. Researchers call for stronger regulation of online gambling industry in the NT
  471. A political impasse in Timor-Leste as coronavirus looms
  472. CDU Origins Edition 1 2020 | Award secures future of NT biomedical services
  473. Rapid regional assistance for Pandemic Preparedness and Response Planning
  474. Australia helps Timor-Leste to prepare for COVID-19
  475. Capacity building in Timor-Leste
  476. Demands Grow to Shut Down Pokies
  477. A new way to support Tiwi mental health
  478. Researcher profile | Thank you Dr Jane Davies
  479. Child malnutrition and pneumonia research wins Harry Christian Giese Award
  480. A new action plan to tackle kidney disease
  481. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health in focus at rural health symposium
  482. Territorian recognised for research excellence
  483. MEDIA RELEASE | Ngawurramangajirri - Tiwi phrases for mental health and wellbeing
  484. Aboriginal Birth Cohort study reaches 32 years of looking at health in the NT community
  485. Bininj Kunwok Regional Language Centre supports new phone App
  486. Coronavirus assistance to Pacific and Timor-Leste
  487. You can't learn if you can't hear - sign up to become a community ear health helper
  488. Hearing for Learning on Bathurst Island
  489. The fight against rheumatic heart disease continues into the new decade
  490. Best Universities in Darwin Australia in 2020 | Ranking
  491. NT News | How to aid health Staff
  492. Trial shows using two drugs not better than one when treating MRSA blood infections
  493. Keeping health professionals in remote communities
  494. Trial shows using two drugs not better than one when treating MRSA blood infections
  495. Study supports minimal monitoring in Sofosbuvir-based therapy for HCV
  496. New drug could stave off scabies
  497. Pill shows promise in eradication of scabies
  498. National Suicide Prevention Trial - two new programs announced
  499. Partnership provides vital service to Maningrida
  500. Study to fight food insecurity in Indigenous communities
  501. Researcher: how to beat loneliness at Christmas
  502. Menzies investigators and international collaborators from ACROSS and other institutions have published a meta-analysis
  503. Smoking rates fall nationally, but not in the Territory
  504. National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander smoking rates and the NT
  505. Director’s Communiqué | Issue 21 November 2019
  506. Hearing loss impacts school attendance among Australia's aboriginal children
  507. 2019 Ramaciotti AWARD WINNER
  508. Rheumatic heart disease discussed at national conference
  509. Taking science to the parliament, to enrich the people
  510. High levels of hearing loss are linked with absenteeism
  511. Nine News: Menzies awarded a $1.8m tender
  512. NTG Media Release | Investing in Our Children: MECSH Program Evaluation
  513. Tongans use social media to fight lifestyle diseases
  514. Ramaciotti Biomedical Award worth $1 million granted to Northern Territory research team
  515. Hearing loss linked to poor school attendance for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
  516. Media Release | Substance misuse researcher honoured with Menzies Medallion
  517. Radio National Breakfast | The corrosive impact of racism
  518. Media Release | Hearing loss linked to poor school attendance in the Northern Territory
  519. Ramaciotti Foundations recognise strides in Australian-based research
  520. Hearing loss linked to poor school attendance in the Northern Territory
  521. KSU interview with Associate Professor Anna Ralph
  522. NT justice fails Indigenous Territorians
  523. It’s possible to take a break from science and make a comeback
  524. NT's high smoking rate sparks calls to ease vaping laws
  525. ABC News: Alcohol-related domestic violence and assaults drop
  526. Severe specialist shortage leaves Aboriginal children at risk of hearing loss
  527. A fresh push to come to grips with online gambling
  528. Be snake wise!
  529. Media Release | Malaria researcher awarded national fellowship
  530. Media Release | $2.5 million CSL Centenary Fellowships announced
  531. NT News | Home at heart of doc's work
  532. Media release | Mental Health Week
  533. In remote communities, where more health workers are needed, chronic disease is rising
  534. Management of Tuberculosis: a guide for clinicians
  535. How we can end TB by 2030
  536. Tropical disease kills crocodiles in NT
  537. ABC Online | Deadly bacteria killed two crocodiles in northern Australia, despite species being highly resistant
  538. Deadly bacteria killed two crocodiles in northern Australia
  539. Media Release | Crocodile killing bacteria identified by Top End researchers
  540. Media Alert | Crocodile killing bacteria identified by Top End researchers
  541. The Tiwi Issue # 43| Working with Menzies
  542. ASID Annual Scientific Meeting deemed a success for NT
  543. Mix 104.9 | Diabetes Symposium in Darwin
  544. NT News | Diabetes given centre stage
  545. Media Alert | Health experts in Darwin to discuss diabetes in pregnancy
  546. Mix 104.9 | 2020 Telstra Business Women’s Awards
  548. Top award for Noongar woman with nursing in her blood
  549. Medi Alert | Youth Summit for health in Darwin
  550. “Polycystic kidney disease, the most common genetic kidney disorder you've probably never heard of”
  551. Tuberculosis services in PNG in the journal Public Health Action.
  552. 'I cried from happiness': Indigenous toddler hears her first words
  553. Source water key to bacterial water safety in remote Northern Australia
  554. Media Release | Source water holds key to bacterial water safety in remote North
  555. Government funded health programs for NT's deaf children
  556. Under the Big Tree: Extraordinary stories from the movement to end neglected tropical diseases
  557. $440 million funding boost for vital health and medical research for all stages of life
  558. Vale Dr Val Asche AM
  559. Supporting TB health systems
  560. Guidelines to improve assessments for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people presenting to hospital with self-harm and suicidal thought
  561. Guidelines to improve assessments for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people presenting to hospital
  562. New guidelines to improve assessments for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people presenting to hospital with self-harm and suicidal thoughts
  564. Combination Therapy for MRSA Bloodstream Infections: Still a Question Mark
  565. Sunday Territorian - Bushranger
  566. Sunday Territorian | Liquor watches drunk on power
  567. RAGCP | Smoking question unlikely to be included in 2021 census
  568. Skin disease a 'national crisis'
  569. NT News | Watch your heart beating
  570. First Aboriginal Australian Dermatologist to Attend Skin Health Symposium in Darwin
  571. Media Release | HealthLAB on display during National Science Week
  572. The meat-eating bladderwort traps aquatic animals at lightning speed
  573. Discover your new world at Charles Darwin University
  574. Senator reveals personal story of kidney disease
  575. What this mum did changed her family's life forever
  576. Curious Kids: why is urine yellow?
  577. Menzies runs next phase of Aboriginal health study
  578. Sunday Territorian | Gift of life
  579. NT News | CDU's world of research
  580. Media Release | Improved ear and hearing planned for children in Maningrida
  581. A wet cough for four weeks means it’s time to get it checked out
  582. IRU appoints new health and medical research Fellow
  583. New Research Pinpoints Faster Treatment to Cure Vivax Malaria
  584. New study shows faster way to cure vivax malaria
  585. Fleming Fund helps Menzies battle drug resistance in Timor-Leste
  586. Heartfelt song beats back infection
  587. Catchy new song could save thousands of children from deadly RHD
  588. Tropical health HOT topic at forum
  589. Menzies researcher endorses United Nations Statement
  590. Fifth wave of research to roll out across the Top End
  591. 7th International Conference on Plasmodium vivax Research | Final Report
  592. An urgent need for antimicrobial stewardship in Indigenous rural and remote primary health care
  593. Coverage from the 7th International Conference on Plasmodium vivax Research
  594. At Pioneer FC, suicide does discriminate
  595. Campus Morning Mail | The Alcohol and Drug Foundation 2019 research award goes to Menzies School of Health Research
  597. Croakey | Summer May Finlay with Dr Jaqui Hughes
  598. When numbers and stories collide – the fight for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women.
  599. Indigenous HPV vaccination rates “to be celebrated”
  600. Bottlo's 'burden of proof' | NT News
  601. Urgent response ‘no fix for suicide’
  602. NT News | Research honoured
  603. NT News | Local Jobs Fund
  604. CDU Enews | Menzies staffer wins national award for RHD research
  605. Meet the Kakadu plum: an international superfood thousands of years in the makin
  606. NT News | NT Government events to go completely smoke free
  607. Territorians Health a Priority as new Tobacco Action plan launched on World No-Tobacco Day
  608. CENTRALIAN ADVOCATE | Grog rehab bed shortage
  609. Directors Statement National Reconciliation Week 2019 27 May – 3 June
  610. This Dialysis Patient From A Remote Community Has Spent Years In A Short-Stay Hostel
  611. This Kidney Patient Thought Her Life Was At Risk.
  612. NT News | NT Rehab beds short
  613. One in every 33 people in Northern Territory seeks treatment for alcohol problems
  614. Thousands of Territorians are accessing alcohol treatment
  615. Nearly 2000 Territorians Set To Graduate
  616. Demand Study for Alcohol Treatment Services in the NT
  617. NT News | Menzies and CDU graduations
  618. Inspirational students celebrate end of their studies
  619. Indigenous issues top to-do list as super-rich urged to dig deep
  620. NT News | Big Night for Territorians
  621. CDU, Menzies researcher leads battle against malaria
  622. MediaNewsroomCDU, Menzies researcher leads battle against malaria CDU, Menzies researcher leads battle against malaria
  623. CRCNA Newsletter | May 2019
  624. 50 Top Biomedical And Health Scientists Join Prestigious Academy Of Medical Sciences Fellowship
  625. 50 top biomedical and health scientists join prestigious Academy of Medical Sciences Fellowship
  626. SMH | Hope and healing
  627. Bizarrely distributed and verging on extinction, this ‘mystic’ tree went unidentified for 17 years
  628. Darwin: Driving Australia’s Medical Discussion
  629. The winner takes it all  for S. aureus
  630. Fixing health—why housing and income policy must be part of the mix
  631. PUTTING RURAL HEALTH BACK ON THE MAP - Australia/New Zealand | April 23, 2019
  632. Two New Trials of Combination Therapy for MRSA Bacteremia
  633. Sunday Territorian | NT Young Achiever Awards
  634. Centralian Advocate | New role for Professor in Alice
  635. Professor of Remote and Rural Health Services Research appointed in Alice Springs
  637. Territory FM | Mel Little chats with Dr Teresa Wozniak – Research Fellow, Menzies School of Health Research.
  638. Indigenous health in limelight at Telstra Business Women’s Awards
  639. Contagion® to Report on the ECCMID Conference in Amsterdam
  641. Asia–Pacific research partnerships set to tackle big challenges
  642. SMH | Commonwealth regional research grants key to 'science diplomacy'
  643. Sport a boost to Menzies Indigenous health research
  644. Intergenerational trauma and Indigenous suicides in WA
  645. NT News | Prof Amanda Leach 2019 Telstra NT Business Woman of the Year
  646. Hepatitis B DNA Helps Trace History and Movement of First Australians
  647. Lowitja Institute Report | Anaemia Prevention Program, Katherine East
  648. drinktank | Understanding the harm of alcohol consumption
  649. The social and economic costs and harms of alcohol consumption
  650. Hepatitis B virus sheds light on ancient human population movements into Australia
  652. Menzies researcher gains national recognition
  653. Media Release | HOT NORTH Katherine Health Translation Workshop 14-15 March 2019
  654. Menzies Superstars of Stem
  655. COAG Health Council | Communiqué 8 March 2019
  656. Counting the social, economic costs of alcohol harm
  657. Counting the social, economic costs of alcohol harm
  658. Curious Darwin: Do Darwin residents really drink more than other Aussies
  659. Metformin appears safe in treating hyperglycemia during pregnancy
  660. According to NT government, their alcohol reforms are working
  661. NT News | Alcohol related problems are costing Territory Taxpayers
  662. Mix 104.9 Katie Wolf with Professor James Smith
  663. NT govt claims grog reforms are working
  664. Katherine goes against the trend on alcohol harm
  665. NTG Release | Alcohol Reforms are Cutting Crime
  666. New app uses real-life stories from Indigenous kids to help others deal with bullying
  667. RN Breakfast | Rheumatic heart disease on COAG health agenda
  668. RN Breakfast | Rheumatic heart disease on COAG health agenda
  669. Menzies researchers’ finalists in the 2019 Telstra Business Women’s Awards
  670. Medical Republic | Alarming rates of T2 diabetes in our young indigenous
  672. NACCHO Aboriginal Health | #Obesity #Diabetes News
  673. Youth leaders learn about health hurdles of NT
  674. Intervention needed to reduce Type 2 Diabetes in young Indigenous Australians
  675. Digital Trakz - A resource to reduce the impact of teasing in the lives of Aboriginal youth
  676. Cases of deadly dirt disease melioidosis will increase, expert warns
  677. International youth leaders sail into Menzies School of Health Research
  678. Eliminating skin disease in Aboriginal children could reduce antibiotic use by almost 20%
  679. Menzies B.Strong training in Townsville
  680. Health survey of male Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander in the NT
  681. More banned drinkers busted trying to buy grog in Katherine than anywhere else
  682. NT News | Our children's hearing crisis
  683. Safer Communities: BDR Evaluation Shows Positive Results
  684. Menzies researcher wins prestigious Fulbright Scholar Award
  685. Research offers hope for rheumatic fever sufferers
  686. Funding spotlight on eliminating malaria in Vietnam
  687. Menzies secures NHMRC funding to continue ground breaking research
  688. Menzies School of Health Research home to three superstars of STEM
  689. BuzzFeed | Scientists Are Rejecting Massive Amounts Of Money
  690. NT News | Researching the North
  691. Media Release | Researchers will not accept support from tobacco industry funded Foundation for a Smoke-Free World
  692. $630,000 Injected into Suicide Prevention PhD Research
  693. Words from Arnhem land: Aboriginal health messages need to be made with us rather than for us
  694. Media Release|True burden of rheumatic fever in NZ currently underestimated, new research reveals
  695. True burden of rheumatic fever in NZ underestimated
  696. Project aims to develop roadmap for a sustainable bush medicine industry
  697. 2GB | National Rural News November 8, 2018
  700. SBS |Bush medicine and hopes to export it overseas
  701. Open Forum.com.au | Bush plant medicine project set to bloom
  702. ABC NT Country Hour | Bush medicine opportunities go under the microscope
  703. Xinhua.com | Aussie researchers tap native medicinal plants in major agribusiness project
  704. Katherine Times | Project to grow bush medicine business
  706. CDU E-news | Menzies rewards commitment to health research
  707. Media Release | Bush medicine partnership to sow seeds of collaboration
  708. Mirage News | Bush medicine partnership to sow seeds of collaboration
  709. Noosa News | Heading up Peregian community hub is John's new role
  710. The Australian | Shortfall in transplants
  711. New program to tackle ear infection crisis
  712. Sun Newspapers | Recognised for hard work
  713. NITV | Stop detaining kids under 14 and close Don Dale, former royal commissioner says
  714. NT News | Researcher recognised for his hard work
  715. The Australian| Stop jailing kids under age 14: Don Dale judge
  716. Leading respiratory physician presented with Menzies Medallion
  717. ANU Media Release | Professor Terry Dunbar moves closer to the hill
  718. ‘Backlash’: Northern Territory alcohol floor price divides community
  719. Tackling smoking in remote communities
  720. NTG Media Release | Tackling smoking in remote communities
  721. Smart phones to help with remote area heart sickness
  722. Territory bodybuilder and Menzies School of Health Research scientist Harry Owen wins strength competition
  723. Large donation for vital research
  724. Anaerobic Chamber to help improve lives of Indigenous Children.
  725. ABC | Rheumatic heart disease going undiagnosed by NT's fly-in doctors, cardiologist warns
  726. Our North, Our Future
  727. Gambling survey will measure gambling patterns and harms in the NT
  728. Understanding how NT Aboriginal school attendance could be improved
  729. The Australian | Attendance at pre-school key to literacy, numeracy
  730. The Wire | Kidney bias: Indigenous Australians missing out on transplants
  731. National Indigenous Times | Indigenous patients in need of new kidneys aren’t getting a fair go
  732. Health system struggling with organ donation success
  733. NMRC Strives to Reduce Risk of Melioidosis Among Deployed Sailors and Marines
  734. The Australian | Silence is golden but not when it’s permanent
  735. Health Issues India | Could a malaria treatment be found in human blood?
  736. 'Long-grassers' admit easy access to grog despite reintroduction of banned drinker register
  737. Chronic hepatitis B elimination partnership launched
  738. The Lancet | Anne Chang: a champion of childhood lung health
  739. Lend me your ear: New program targets hearing problems in NT children
  740. Creating food retail environments for health
  741. Arnhem Land children suffer world's highest known rates of rheumatic heart disease
  742. NT News | Data is lacking in BDR
  743. NT Government media release | Evaluation of BDR
  744. Katherine Times | Alcohol reforms rolled out, BDR on track
  745. Hearing loss a serious issue
  746. F&P| Balnaves Foundation contributes $2.5m to treating Indigenous hearing loss
  747. Workshops to improve Indigenous health in the north west
  748. Daily Mail | How 90 PER CENT of Aboriginal children are born with ear disease and most will end up half-deaf with brain development problems
  749. ABC | 'Glue ear' project to fight hearing loss and improve outcomes for Aboriginal children
  750. Sounds Like Progress | NT News 15 August 2018
  751. Ear Health Funding
  752. Investing in Territory Kids and Generational Change – Hearing for Learning
  753. NT News 14 August 2018 OMOZ 2018 coverage and editorial
  754. Menzies secures funding to improve Indigenous cancer outcomes
  755. Menzies clinician-researchers receive NHMRC funding
  756. ScienceNews | A newly approved drug could be a boon for treating malaria
  757. PNG-Aust researchers to combine under new grant program
  758. Research reveals defence against malaria parasites
  759. Xinhuanet.com|Platelets kill up to 60 pct of malaria parasites: Australian study
  760. Platelets the first line of defence in malaria patients
  761. Remote Indigenous communities experience dramatic improvement in life expectancy
  762. Making hepatitis B information more widely available to Indigenous communities
  763. Katherine Times | Making hepatitis B information more widely available to Indigenous communities
  764. ABC Radio Alice Springs | Professor Peter d'Abbs
  765. HOT NORTH Thursday Island Teaching Workshop
  766. ABC TV Back Roads program features Christine Wigger
  767. Xinhua News | "Radical cure" best treatment for common malaria: study
  768. New evidence supports radical treatment of  widespread form of malaria
  769. The Wire | Alert Anaemia
  770. Preventing RHD through community-driven activities
  771. Newcastle Herald | Indigenous medical education program a ‘successful step’ in improving health outcomes
  772. The Ripple effect: Improving health outcomes for Indigenous Australians
  773. Bridging the Gap Foundation highlights Indigenous inequality
  774. Bridging the Gap Foundation highlights Indigenous inequality
  775. HealthLAB in Australian Geographic
  776. Australian support for eliminating malaria and health research in the Indo-Pacific
  777. NT Government | Evaluation Shows BDR Working to Cut Supply of Alcohol to Problem Drinkers
  778. BDR is working, Govt says
  779. HPV champion and childhood blindness researcher honoured
  780. Why aren't there stinger nets so people can swim at Darwin beaches?
  781. National review to investigate low Indigenous kidney transplant rates
  782. Feds unveil review of kidney process | NT News
  783. Territory sporting great, tough battle with melioidosis | NT News
  784. Update on the National Indigenous Bowel Screening Pilot
  785. 'Our kids need proper water': Families plead for action over uranium in drinking water
  786. NT News | Sharing health message on FB
  787. Media release | Feel-good social media posts more likely to encourage healthy behaviour
  788. Balonne Beacon | Motivational techniques to boost Balonne
  789. Antibiotic Resistance: The Epidemic Is Here
  790. Women in regional areas struggle with unplanned pregnancies
  791. HOT NORTH Visiting Fellow, Arca Testamenti Travels to Darwin
  792. Researchers call for global action to improve Indigenous health outcomes
  793. Barunga cuts sugar for festival
  794. 2018 Indigenous Men’s Conference and 2018 Indigenous Women’s Wellbeing Conference in Cairns QLD Australia.
  795. NT News | HOT NORTH ASM
  796. NT News | Traditional medicine helps patients
  797. Systematic review of traditional and complementary medicine use among indigenous cancer patients
  798. HOT NORTH researchers gather in Darwin
  799. Menzies to provide training for Torres Strait health workers
  800. Research centre launches collaborative study into parechovirus – an emerging infection in infants
  801. Budget 2018: Aboriginal patients convinced the Government to help them get home
  802. Chronic hepatitis B to be eliminated from the Northern Territory
  803. Bendigo Advertiser | Pain free staph fix given green light
  804. Pain free golden staph treatment cleared for use in remote communities
  805. Win for dialysis patients in Northern Territory
  806. NT News | Meetings for Health School
  807. Creating better guidelines for kidney health management
  808. Hospitalizations spike as booze bill hits hard | NT News
  809. Saving Lives of remote children | NT News
  810. Cardiologists identify alarming levels of rheumatic heart disease in Timor-Leste
  811. Gambling study examines 'incredibly social' card games played in Indigenous communities
  812. National Forum on Child Protection | The Stringer
  813. Bush footy may be health key - researcher | Katherine Times
  814. HOT NORTH News - Issue 3 | 22 March 2018
  815. Uptake of revolutionary hepatitis drugs lowest in areas of greatest need | ABC AM
  816. Tuberculosis elimination course for Indonesian health workers
  817. Heart Foundation partnership with HealthLAB - NT News
  818. HealthLAB expands educational offering through Heart Foundation partnership
  819. NT Gambling Project - The Tiwi News | Issue #35
  820. Measuring cancer in Indigenous populations
  821. Rheumatic heart disease in the Pacific island nations
  822. Malaria victim facing double hand amputation considers legal action against GP
  823. Doctor targets kidney disease
  824. Alcohol harm minimisation investments welcomed by leading NT research institute
  825. Rheumatic heart disease focus for NT Fulbright Scholar
  826. Roundtable Towards Roadmap For Renal Health - Media Release
  827. Katherine doctors push for more public housing
  828. HOT NORTH Katherine Teaching Workshop 20-21 February
  829. Dr Jaqui Hughes | Finalist for the Bupa Health Award.
  830. Research centre gets the green light to begin critical pandemic research
  831. Territory FM | Mornings with Mel Little. Professor Bart Currie
  832. Study confirms the importance of vaccinating for whooping cough during pregnancy
  833. Nursing Review profile Cherie Whitbread
  834. Townsville Bulletin | HOT NORTH funding
  835. HOT NORTH 2018 funding awards released: Building the health research workforce in northern Australia
  836. Indigenous ear health the "missing piece of the disadvantage puzzle"
  837. BMJ Journals - Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)
  838. MJA Podcasts 2018 Episode 2: Men's health, with A/Prof James Smith
  839. ABC | Opinion: Not all doctors agree my patient deserved his kidney transplant.
  840. Inspire magazine | HOT NORTH
  841. A Katherine solution to a Katherine problem
  842. CRANAplus magazine | Thumbs up for GOOD TUCKER app
  843. Indigenous Australians far less likely to get a kidney transplant
  844. Creating health apps that work for Indigenous youth
  845. Fair access demanded for patients
  846. Diabetes project | Cairns Post
  847. Listen to Indigenous patient experts on how to transform renal care
  848. School attendance, birthweight fell during Northern Territory intervention rollout, study finds
  849. Children negatively impacted by early intervention restrictions
  850. Racist’ heath system failing NT Indigenous kidney patients
  851. Diabetes researcher wins 2017 Harry Christian Giese—Research into Action Award
  852. Mine workers to be used for heat study
  853. Sustained reduction in petrol sniffing after low aromatic fuel rollout
  854. Monitoring heat stress among mine workers to benefit northern Australia
  855. Funding fillip for fever tool - NT News
  856. 2017 Menzies Oration: Democratising Indigenous Data
  857. Northern Territory paediatrician honoured with Menzies Medallion
  858. DFAT: Foreign policy in action - malaria research
  859. Developing Northern Australia 2017 Implementation Report
  860. Indigenous patients left feeling ’isolated’
  861. NT Australian of the Year awards: Cardiologist Bo Remenyi
  862. Remote kidney patients face homelessness
  863. Boosting Early Learning For Indigenous Children
  864. Diabetes researcher reminds mums with diabetes to focus on their health
  865. Indigenous Australians travelling 1000 kilometres for kidney dialysis: report
  866. Indigenous kidney patients call for equitable care in new report
  867. Longest running Aboriginal health study to enter new stage
  868. $12 Million NT Investment aims to save lives
  869. Menzies secures funding to improve Indigenous child health
  870. Indigenous Australians under-reporting the amount of ‘unhealthy foods’ they consume
  871. Good Tucker app gets thumbs up from Rob
  872. 'Good tucker, long life': Hopes app will turn Indigenous eating habits around
  873. Tracking nutrition found to be vital - Koori Mail
  874. B.strong Brief Intervention Face-to-Face Training Workshop
  875. Dr John Boffa: reviewing NT alcohol policies
  876. Rivers of grog could run dry - Centralian Advocate
  877. Food data vital - Centralian Advocate
  878. Award no tall order for Matthew - Darwin Sun
  879. Making connections: Medibank and Wadeye
  880. It’s time for another type of story about Indigenous smoking rates
  881. Aboriginal Australians ditch cigarettes
  882. Lucky Luke - The Darwin poet whose muse is a dialysis machine
  883. Encouraging Indigenous smoking and quitting trends in latest ABS Report
  884. Tracking food and beverage purchases in remote NT communities
  885. Monkey malaria researcher presented with NT Young Tall Poppy award
  886. Herald Sun | We are delivering for North: Joyce
  887. HOT NORTH: A community of excellence in tropical medicine
  888. PhD: malaria paralyses immune cells
  889. Katherine Times | Dr Grigg wins science award
  890. NT News | Brains Trust Born
  891. Monkey malaria researcher named NT Young Tall Poppy
  892. New Australian-led malaria research powerhouse gears up to hunt down malaria across the Asia-Pacific
  893. Burnet welcomes new regional Health Security Initiative
  894. Let’s quit being idiots
  895. Sharing a Heartbeat: Rheumatic heart disease movie released in Darwin
  896. Top doctor calls for total ban on cigarettes, switch to e-cigarettes
  897. Call to ban durries in Oz
  898. Indigenous women are less likely to survive breast cancer
  899. Is it time to outlaw cigarette sales in Australia?
  900. Curious Darwin: Why is there no malaria in Australia's northern capital?
  901. Preterm babies at risk of developing kidney disease
  902. Dr Jaqui Hughes interview, National TalkBlack
  903. Kimberley patients forced to travel thousands of kilometres for essential dialysis training
  904. Centralian Advocate | Kids miss out on early intervention
  905. ABC Online | Indigenous dialysis patients pushing for grassroots community health services
  906. CAAMA |  Great potential to learn from Aboriginal people
  907. NT News - Kidney research wins prize
  908. Professor Alan Cass, wins clinical science award
  909. Koori Mail | Liquor permit schemes in the spotlight
  910. Maari Ma Health Aboriginal Corporation teams with Menzies
  911. Indigenous voices to be heard
  912. Malaria parasite spreads from howler monkeys to humans
  913. Menzies part of the Eureka Prize winning team
  914. Koori Mail | B.Strong Program
  915. ABC Radio AM | Belyuen Hip Hop on Mental Health
  916. Report urges simpler liquor permit management in communities
  917. West Arnhem Wire | HealthLAB in Jabiru
  918. NT News - Menzies HealthLAB at Parliament House
  919. NITV | $2.24m health initiative by Menzies in QLD
  920. Mobile health lab aims to reduce chronic disease during National Science Week
  921. QLD Government | B.Strong training program release
  922. ABC Radio National - 'tsunami' of kidney disease
  923. Australian Financial Review - Dr Paul Lawton at Garma
  924. ABC online | Research targeting asthma and smoking
  925. Research in the HOT NORTH
  926. ABC online | Elcho Island researchers bound for Alaska
  927. Weekend Australian | Legacy of Dr G Yunupingu
  928. ABC Life Matters - the gap in Indigenous life expectancy
  929. Dr G Yunupingu chose to leave dialysis knowing he would die, doctor says
  930. Who'd wanna listen to me? The humble genius of Dr. G. Yunupingu
  931. Territory Q congratulates Cherie Whitbread
  932. Consortium to help close gap | Koori Mail
  933. NT Aboriginal men fall behind in life expectancy
  934. Red Centre of medical innovation
  935. World-class focus on boosting remote health
  936. Territory Q features HOT NORTH
  937. Central Australia Academic Health Science Centre
  938. Academic Health Science Centre - Media Release
  939. Central Australia Academic Health Science Centre (CAAHSC)
  940. Tuberculosis, Why haven’t we eliminated TB already?
  941. Menzies HealthLAB to visit Bowali Visitor Centre
  942. STI swabs reveal pattern | NT News 1 July 2017
  943. Study finds the monitoring of toilet surfaces could impact public health surveillance
  944. Professor Sven Silburn contributes to NT's Royal Commission into Youth Detention and Child Protection
  945. ABC TV coverage of lung capacity study collaboration
  946. Australian Doctor - otitis media clinical trial
  947. Child abuse reports in NT double after intervention
  948. Fatal croc attacks rising in NT
  949. Petrol sniffing stunts the growth of children
  950. Adult male farmers most at risk of contracting monkey malaria in Malaysia
  951. New Vaccine could help reduce Chronic ear disease.
  952. Extra vaccines may reduce 'unacceptable rates' of chronic ear disease in Indigenous children
  953. Combination Therapy in Treating S. aureus Infections
  954. Mosquito poo could help to detect diseases
  955. Medicare Review Taskforce’s recommendation  for ‘on country’ dialysis
  956. New treatment trialled in battle against ear disease
  957. Rheumatic heart disease program in East Timor 'saving lives' with 'simple' penicillin injections
  958. Weeding out Malaria
  959. Science to win ahead of zombies
  960. Study emphasises the need for radical cure of vivax malaria
  961. Cherie Whitbread 2017 Midwife of the Year
  962. Australian native animals spreading scrub typhus mite prompt warning
  963. NT Government - Gambling Prevalence Survey Released
  964. NT News editorial on Menzies gambling report
  965. Rheumatic heart disease researchers on mission
  966. The Australian - Third World disease a blight on indigenous
  967. Bold bid to end Rheumatic Heart Disease
  968. Menzies director Alan Cass podcast on Territory FM
  969. Red hot Alice puts mums and bubs at risk
  970. No long term benefits for NT Government alcohol rehab program
  972. MJA Podcast on the clinical experience of patients with hepatitis C virus infection.
  973. Melioidosis: More cases of potentially fatal bacteria from NT dirt emerge
  974. Associate Professor Steven Tong honoured with Frank Fenner Award
  975. Addressing racism in Australia's health system.
  976. CAAMA Radio | Traditional food trends
  977. Traditional food trends in remote Northern Territory communities
  978. Check-up gives health insight - HealthLAB
  979. Supporting research to improve the health of Indigenous children
  980. HOT NORTH Fellowships to improve health outcomes in the tropics
  981. Menzies helps track the travels of the deadly melioidosis bacteria
  982. Northern Territory children are in a humanitarian crisis.
  983. Pregnant women snub flu jab
  984. Positive Birth Outcomes For FLU Vaccine During Pregnacy
  985. Study shows the safety of flu vaccine during pregnancy
  986. Child Rights Forum,  Law Research Workshop and Student Showcase
  987. NITV: Two months' could be key to Indigenous women's survival of cervical cancer
  988. Melioidosis: The Most Neglected Tropical Disease
  989. Menzies HealthLAB National Science Week Grant
  990. Forum to focus on NT child rights
  991. Women missing timely Pap follow-up
  992. MJA Videos 2017 Episode 5
  993. Pack warning labels help Aboriginal smokers butt out
  994. Scientists complete the genome sequences of malaria parasites
  995. Jessica Webb 2016: Barbara Hale Fellowship Winner
  996. New research may help break the cycle of intergenerational diabetes
  997. Rapid iron infusion trial to tackle widespread deficiency among children in Australia’s Northern Territory
  998. Australia’s first Indigenous kidney specialist wins Harry Christian Giese Award
  999. Menzies secures 2016 NHMRC funding for groundbreaking projects
  1000. Researchers tackle Indigenous suicide