Dr Elizabeth McDonald

Honorary fellow


PhD (Public Health), Charles Darwin University, 2006
Master in Tropical Health, University of Queensland, 1995
Bachelor of Nursing, Northern Territory University, 1992
Graduate Diploma of Nursing Studies (Education), University of New England, 1989
Diploma of Applied Science (Community Health), Northern Territory University, 1983
Certificate IV Training and Assessment VET

Approved level of HDR supervision at Charles Darwin University:

Associate Supervisor for PhD


Darwin – Charles Darwin University, Casuarina campus


Dr McDonald has extensive experience working in the primary health care sector as a registered nurse and midwife; health service manager at community and central levels; and researcher and evaluator. This experience encompasses working in remote Aboriginal communities, rural towns and in Cambodia.

For the past 13 years her research has focused on improving Aboriginal child health through housing, water and sanitation and hygiene improvement.

All her research activities are based on using participatory approaches, capacity building and working across sectors, e.g. health, housing, Aboriginal medical services and education.

A key feature of her work is translating evidence-based interventions into health promotion practice, including the development of evidence-based assessment tools for the use of health workers working in rural and remote Aboriginal communities.