Professor Heidi Smith-Vaughan

Principal Research Fellow, Associate Director for Research (HDR and ethics)


PhD, University of Sydney, 2000
Bachelor of Science, Griffith University, 1989.

Approved level of HDR supervision at Charles Darwin University:

Principal Supervisor for PhD


Darwin - Royal Darwin Hospital campus


Professor Heidi Smith-Vaughan has researched at Menzies since 1990. She is a microbiologist passionate about growing the next generation of biomedical scientists, and particularly building capability among those with least opportunity.

At Menzies she currently holds several research and administration roles. As Principal Research Fellow with the Child Health Division she works with local, national and international teams generating biological outcomes for clinical trials. She has attracted 35 grants to the value of $23.6 million and published >100 papers. In her role as Associate Director of Research (HDR and ethics) she coordinates ~60 Masters by Research and PhD candidates studying through Menzies and CDU.

Heidi developed and trialled the biomedical pathways model at Menzies which culminated in her co-leading the new Ramaciotti Regional and Remote Health Sciences Training Centre which aims to develop a sustainable, local, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander biomedical and health sciences workforce in the Northern Territory. She also leads HealthLAB, a hands-on health education lab that travels to schools and communities across the NT and encourages healthy lifestyles and pathways into health sciences. To date >11,000 Territorians have participated in HealthLAB.