Dr James Marangou

PhD candidate


FRACP, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 2017
MBBS (hons), University of Western Australia, 2009


Darwin – Royal Darwin Hospital


Dr James Marangou is a PhD candidate with Menzies School of Health Research & Charles Darwin University and a consultant cardiologist at Royal Perth Hospital. His PhD candidature with Menzies is supported by a National Health and Medical Research Council post-graduate scholarship. His broad research interests are cardiovascular health in Australian Indigenous populations, focussing particularly on rheumatic heart disease, and rural and remote cardiology service provision. Dr Marangou is a lead author for the 2020 Australian ARF/RHD guidelines and co-first author of the 2023 World Heart Federation guidelines for the echocardiographic diagnosis of RHD. His PhD and current research focus on the implementation and impact of echocardiography screening for rheumatic heart disease during pregnancy care in high-risk populations across Northern Australia and Timor-Leste.