Dr Liam Grealy

Senior Research Fellow


PhD, University of Sydney, 2013; Bachelor of Arts (Hons.), University of Sydney, 2008


Darwin – Casuarina Campus


Liam Grealy is Senior Research Fellow in Wellbeing and Preventable Chronic Diseases. He is Principal Investigator on the Homelands Housing and Infrastructure Program Monitoring and Evaluation Project. This project is focused on the implementation of the NT Government’s Homelands Housing and Infrastructure Program, which is underpinned by $100 million in Commonwealth funding for NT homelands, to be delivered from 2022-2024. 

Liam commenced at Menzies in 2021 to work on the Healthy Homes Monitoring and Evaluation Project, which examined the NT Government’s remote housing maintenance program.

Liam trained in gender and cultural studies at the University of Sydney, where he has worked in the Housing for Health Incubator (2018–). In that context, Liam’s research concerns housing and infrastructure policy in regional and remote Australia and southeast Louisiana, where he was a visiting research scholar at Louisiana State University (2018-2020).

Liam’s ongoing research draws on several collaborations. He is a founder of Infrastructural Inequalities, a member of the Affirmative Feminist Boys Studies group, and a member of the Northern Territory Climate Justice Steering Committee. Ongoing research projects also concern water and energy policy in northern and central Australia, Indigenous housing governance, boys and boyhood, and higher degree research supervision.

  • Homelands Housing and Infrastructure Program Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Healthy Homes Evaluation and Monitoring
  1. MEDIA RELEASE | MoU signed showing housing is a critical health priority

    MEDIA RELEASE | MoU signed showing housing is a critical health priority


    A new MoU between Menzies and Aboriginal Housing Northern Territory (AHNT) has been signed, formalising a collaborative partnership to improve the quality of remote housing.

  2. Parity June 2024, Volume 37 - Issue 5

    Parity June 2024, Volume 37 - Issue 5


  1. Grealy, L. 2023. “Washing and Whitegoods.” Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience. 9(1): 1-11. DOI: 10.28968/cftt.v9i1.38168 
  2. Grealy, L. 2022. “Enforced Commensuration and the Bureaucratic Invention of Household Energy Insecurity.” Australian Geographer. Forthcoming. DOI: 10.1080/00049182.2022.2127144 
  3. Grealy, L. 2022. “Slow Withdrawal as Managed Retreat: Dismantling and Rebuilding an Indigenous Community Controlled Housing Sector.” Geoforum. 136. 173-185. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2022.09.002
  4. Kuru, A., Brambrilla, A., Lea, T., and Grealy, L. 2022. “Climate Change and Indigenous Housing Performance in Australia: A Data Set.” Data in Brief. 45. 108751. doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2022.108751 
  5. Grealy, L., Lea, T., Moskos, M., Benedict, R., Habibis, D., & S. King. 2022. “Sustaining Housing through Preventive Maintenance in Remote Central Australia.” Housing Studies. DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2022.2084045 
  6. Grealy, L. & T. Lea. 2021. “Sensing the State in Hot Houses.” Roadsides. 006: 36-45. DOI 10.26034/roadsides-202100606 
  7. Grealy, L. (2021). Governing disassembly in Indigenous housing. Housing Studies, 38(9), 1-20. doi: 10.1080/02673037.2021.1882662 
  8. Grealy, L. (2021). Using genre to understand healthy housing provisions. International Journal Of Housing Policy, 1-23. doi: 10.1080/19491247.2021.1946636 
  9. Grealy, L., & Lea, T. (2021). Housing waste in remote Indigenous Australia. In Fiona Allon, Ruth Barcan and Karma Eddison-Cogan (Eds.), The Temporalities of Waste: Out of Sight, Out of Time, 75-86. London: Routledge 
  10. Grealy, L., & Howey, K. (2020). Securing supply: governing drinking water in the Northern Territory. Australian Geographer, 51(3), 341-360. doi: 10.1080/00049182.2020.1786945