Samantha Togni
Senior research officer
PhD candidate, RMIT University, 2015
Diploma of Project Management, Hunter TAFE, 2010
Master of Arts by major thesis, University of Melbourne, 1997
Bachelor of Arts (Honours), University of Melbourne, 1992
Samantha Togni is a social researcher and evaluator. For the last 20 years Samantha has worked with, and for, regional and remotely-based Aboriginal organisations in the areas of Aboriginal health, wellbeing, art and culture. Samantha commenced her research career with Menzies School of Health Research working on a number of evaluations of community-based initiatives to reduce alcohol misuse and related harm across central and northern Australia as well as the evaluation of the Katherine West Coordinated Care Trial (1998-2001).
More recently Samantha was the Research Coordinator at Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute in Alice Springs (2009-2014). She is involved in the Kanyini Vascular Collaboration (KVC) that is engaged in a program of research in partnership with Indigenous primary health care services aimed at improving care and health outcomes for Indigenous people living with chronic disease. Samantha is a Chief Investigator in the KVC Centre of Excellence for Indigenous Primary Care Intervention Research in Chronic Disease (CRE). Within this CRE Samantha led the developmental evaluation of the Home-based Outreach Chronic Disease Management Exploratory (HOME) Study with the Inala Indigenous Health Service in Brisbane. In 2010/11 Samantha worked on the Central Australian Renal Study and she has completed a number of program evaluations and evaluation capacity development projects, most recently with the Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council.
Samantha commenced working part-time on the Dialysis Models of Care Project with Menzies School of Health Research in February 2015 and is responsible for the qualitative research components of the project.