Dr Sarah Clifford
Senior Research Officer / Future Leader Fellow
Doctor of Philosophy, Charles Darwin University, 2024 Master of Public Health, Charles Darwin University, 2018 Bachelor of Science, University of Western Australia, 2017
Sarah’s work focuses on the relationship between alcohol use and harms, and how policies can impact these outcomes. She has a background in health promotion. Her PhD examined the impact of the 2017-18 NT alcohol reforms – specifically the Banned Drinker Register, Minimum Unit Price, and Police Auxiliary Liquor Inspectors - on domestic, family, and sexual violence. Her fellowship focuses on the commercial determinants of alcohol use and harms in the NT.
- Baseline in the Grass: advancing harm reduction at festival in the NT
- LEarning from Alcohol Policy Reforms in the Northern Territory (LEARNT)
- Commercial determinants of alcohol use and harms in the Northern Territory
- Pedestrian deaths and serious injuries in the Northern Territory
Clifford S, Wright CJ, Miller PG, Griffiths KE, Smith JA, Livingston, M. (2024). What are the impacts of alcohol supply reduction measures on police-recorded adult domestic and family violence in the Northern Territory of Australia? International Journal of Drug Policy, 127, 104426. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugpo.2024.104426
Clifford S, Wright CJ, Miller PG, Baldwin R, Griffiths KE, Smith JA, Livingston, M. (2024). Police-recorded adult sexual assault in the Northern Territory, Australia: alcohol involvement and alcohol policy effects. Drug and Alcohol Review, 43(2): 519–528. https://doi.org/10.1111/dar.13787
Clifford S, Smith JA, Livingston M, Wright CJ, Griffiths KE, Miller PG. (2021). A historical overview of legislated alcohol policy in the Northern Territory of Australia: 1979–2021. BMC Public Health 21(1), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-021-11957-5
Wardle, F., Piatkowski, T., Clifford, S., Peacock, A., Dietze, P., Lim, M., Douglass, C., Hill, P., Moore, S., Miller, M., Brett, J. & Wright, C. J. C. (2024). Safe beats down under: investigating the support of drug checking at a regional festival in the Northern Territory, Australia. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1080/09687637.2024.2330938
Adamson, E., Smith, J., Clifford, S., Wallace, T. (2021). Understanding the secondary supply of alcohol as a wicked policy problem: The unique case of the Banned Drinker Register in the Northern Territory. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 80(2), 283-299. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8500.12471
Merlino, A., Clifford, S. & Smith, J. (2020). Alcohol and gender: new frontiers for health policy and practice in Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review, 40(2), 258-262. https://doi.org/10.1111/dar.13166
Adamson, E., Clifford. S., Wallace, T. & Smith, J (2021). Industry views about the Banned Drinker Register in the Northern Territory: Early lessons from a qualitative evaluation. Drug and Alcohol Review, 40(2), 210-219. https://doi.org/10.1111/dar.13174
Clifford, S., Smith-Vaughan, H., Brown, L., Walters, N., Hoosan, W. & Boyd, N. (2023). Health education priorities in remote Australia: learnings from HealthLAB. Health Promotion Journal Australia, 34(1), 13-16. https://doi.org/10.1002/hpja.645
Wright, C.J.C, Miller, M., Wallace, T., Clifford, S., Tari-Keresztes, N., Smith, J., & Black, O. (2022). Drink and drug driving education in the Northern Territory: A qualitative study illustrating issues of access and equity. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 46(4), 450-454. https://doi.org/10.1111/1753-6405.13240
Wright, C.J.C., Clifford, S., Miller, M., D’Abbs, P., Giorgi, C., Crane, M. & Smith, J.A. (2021). While Woolworths reaps the rewards, the Northern Territory community will be left to clean up the mess. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 32(2), 158-162. https://doi.org/10.1002/hpja.488
Click here to view more Sarah Clifford publications in Research Gate.