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  1. ABC Darwin Sundays - Job of the week - Infectious Disease Doctor

  2. The Australian | Hit Covid fast: antiviral drugs to keep infected out of hospital

  3. Pandemic Warriors | Inside Timor Leste's COVID testing laboratory

  4. Fortalese Sistema Saúde Iha Timor Leste

  5. Menzies Affirm To Work Closely With TL Ministry Of Health Strengthening Health Systems

  6. Menzies Marka Tinan Rua Fortalese sistema saúde iha Timor-Leste

  7. Prezensa Menzies Hodi Fortalese Sistema Saúde iha Timor-Leste

  8. Menzies mantém cooperação com Governo para fortalecer sistema de saúde timorense

  9. Menzies fortalese sistema saúde iha Timor-Leste

  10. Projetu MATCH Sei Ajuda Rezolve Sofrimentu A’as ba Morbidade no Mortalidade iha TL

  11. Mellora diagnóstiku no vijilánsia ba moras infeksiozu sira iha Timor-Leste

  12. Menzies Lidera Diagnóstiku no Vijilànsia ba moras Infeksiozu iha Timor-Leste

  13. Mellora diagnóstiku no vijilánsia ba moras infeksiozu sira iha Timor-Leste

  14. Projetu MATCH sei hadi'a diagnóstiku moras infesiozu iha TL

  15. NHL dan Menzies tingkatkan diagnosis penyakit menular melalui proyek MATCH TL

  16. Menzies liderarà projeto de diagnóstico e vigilância de doenças infeciosas em Timor-Leste

  17. Menzies to improve diagnosis and surveillance of infectious diseases in TL

  18. Improving diagnosis and surveillance of infectious diseases in Timor-Leste

  19. COVID-19: Autoridades timorenses estimam mais de 50 mil casos em Díli

  20. COVID-19 vaccination video in Kunwinjku

  21. COVID-19 breaks out in Timor-Leste

  22. Thousands homeless in Timor-Leste as the country tries to contain COVID-19

  23. Australian government to support Timor-Leste flood recovery after at least 27 people die

  24. ABC News: Interview with Dr Josh Francis about COVID-19 in Timor Leste

  25. Making diabetes care more culturally safe

  26. Tapeworm, vertigo and pancreatitis drugs are being trialled as COVID-19 treatments

  27. Unmasking Inequalities Panel 1 Minority Responses to COVID19

  28. Northern Territory: the little health system that could (beat COVID-19)

  29. Northern Territory's strict COVID-19 isolation smashes curve

  30. Making community health training available to remote Indigenous communities during COVID-19

  31. Australians about: COVID-19 - Dr Joshua Francis

  32. NEWS Navigating COVID-19 ‘tiger country’

  33. CoronaCheck #32: Clive Palmer's 'ridiculous' hepatitis B comparison

  34. Nevio Sarmento: Behind the frontline of the COVID-19 response

  35. Q&A with Ismael Barreto, a Menzies technical advisor in Timor-Leste

  36. Q&A with Menzies Fulbright scholar, Professor James Smith

  37. Pacific Beat | Timor-Leste faces dengue fight amid COVID-19 pandemic

  38. Short courses really right for the times

  39. An open letter from 119 scientists and researchers to The Lancet

  40. Aboriginal Health News Alert #75 - Corona virus and smoking news

  41. Researchers: empowering First Nations communities on health is key in pandemic responses

  42. Epidemiologist Dr Karen Dempsey - part of the NT COVID-19 response

  43. Reimagining health education in remote communities

  44. Dili laboratory begins testing for coronavirus independently

  45. Q&A with Menzies endocrinologist, Professor Louise Maple-Brown

  46. More than 100 COVID-19 research projects across Australia from Medical Research Institutes

  47. The Magic Cure: A book to help Australian parents talk to kids about coronavirus

  48. ABC News: Impact of services to remote Indigenous communities

  49. Australian doctors aid Timor Leste in COVID-19 fight

  50. Australian doctor in East Timor warns of impact coronavirus could have if it spreads there

  51. Territory wins praise

  52. RDH set to trial cocktail of drugs

  53. Australian doctors aim to stop COVID-19 from 'tearing through' Timor-Leste

  54. Play to Connect team adapts program to support remote communities during COVID

  55. Trump’s Faulty Malaria-Coronavirus Connection

  56. Expert opinion - Kidney disease and COVID-19

  57. The role of universities in times of national crisis

  58. Cancer and COVID-19 - What it means for our mob

  59. COVID-19 health messaging in language

  60. The tobacco industry in the time of COVID-19: time to shut it down?

  61. Q&A with infectious diseases expert Professor Josh Davis

  62. The answer to Indigenous vulnerability to coronavirus: a more equitable public health agenda

  63. Dr Lisa Whop - The answer to Indigenous vulnerability to COVID-19

  64. Strengthening family relationships through play

  65. Researchers call for stronger regulation of online gambling industry in the NT

  66. A political impasse in Timor-Leste as coronavirus looms

  67. Rapid regional assistance for Pandemic Preparedness and Response Planning

  68. Australia helps Timor-Leste to prepare for COVID-19

  69. Capacity building in Timor-Leste

  70. Demands Grow to Shut Down Pokies

  71. Researcher profile | Thank you Dr Jane Davies

  72. Coronavirus assistance to Pacific and Timor-Leste