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November 10, 2021 - 08:00am
The nation’s top doctors predict new antiviral treatments to fight Covid-19 will make the disease significantly more
manageable and ensure the hospital system can easily cope with any future spike in post-lockdown cases.
October 27, 2021 - 09:32am
ABC Australia | Against the odds, Timorese medical professionals raced to set-up the countries first COVID-19 testing facility.
September 14, 2021 - 12:47pm
Ohin loron, marka tinan rua dezde Menzies School of Health Research (Menzies) ofisialmente estabelese nia eskritóriu ida iha Timor-Leste.
September 14, 2021 - 12:35pm
Yesterday marks two years since Menzies School of Health Research (Menzies) officially established an office in Timor-Leste and comitted to work with the Timor-Leste Government and partners to strengthen health systems for responding to infectious diseases challenges.
September 13, 2021 - 12:41pm
September 13, 2021 - 12:31pm
Menzies School of Health Research (Menzies) ohin Segunda (13/9/2021) kompleta nia tinan rua ba estabelese nia eskritóriu iha Timor-Leste ho nia objetivu hodi fortalese Sistema saude iha Timor-Leste.
September 13, 2021 - 12:21pm
September 12, 2021 - 12:12pm
September 01, 2021 - 11:46am
Hare’e ba numeru moras Malaria, Tuberkuloze, COVID-19 ho HIV (MATCH) iha Timor-Leste ne’ebe a’as, Ministeriu Saude ho parseria Menzies halo koperasaun ba projetu MATCH hodi rezolve sofrimentu a’as ba morbidade no mortalidade.
August 31, 2021 - 15:19pm
Dezenvolve ona inisiativu foun ida hodi ajuda halo di’ak liu tan diagnóstiku no vijilánsia ba moras infeksiozu sira iha Timor-Leste.
August 31, 2021 - 12:00pm
August 31, 2021 - 11:55am
Dezenvolve ona inisiativu foun ida hodi ajuda halo di’ak liu tan diagnóstiku no vijilánsia ba moras infeksiozu sira iha Timor-LesteM MATCHTL, ne’e signifika Malária, Tuberkuloze (TBC), COVID-19 no HIV nia diagnóstiku no vijilánsia iha Timor-Leste, sei lidera husi Menzies School of Health Research (Menzies) hamutuk ho parseria ne’ebé eziste ona ho Ministériu Saúde Timor-Leste, liu-liu iha Timor-Leste nia Laboratóriu Nasionál Saúde (LNS) no Departamentu Kontrolu Moras.
August 31, 2021 - 11:40am
August 31, 2021 - 11:35am
August 31, 2021 - 11:23am
August 31, 2021 - 11:13am
A new initiative has been developed by Menzies School of Health Research (Menzies) to improve diagnosis and surveillance of infectious diseases in Timor-Leste.
August 18, 2021 - 16:11pm
A new initiative has been developed to help improve diagnosis and surveillance of infectious diseases in Timor-Leste.
May 17, 2021 - 18:00pm
O Instituto Nacional de Saúde timorense, Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), as Equipas de Apoio Médico Australiano (AusMAT) e a Menzies School of Health Research, instituição que apoia o Laboratório Nacional timorense em Díli, nos testes à covid-19, também participam na análise.
May 17, 2021 - 11:30am
Jeanette Burrunali from the Bininj Kunwok Regional Language Centre recently asked Dr Jane Davies lots of questions about the vaccine, questions that people want to know the answers to.
April 06, 2021 - 14:04pm
Dr Francis said the national laboratory where Timor-Leste conducts COVID-19 tests had been flooded on the weekend, but workers at the facility had put in an "enormous" effort and successfully saved testing equipment and reagents by moving them above the waters.
February 05, 2021 - 09:30am
Menzies School of Health Research has done research that shows our rates of Type 2 Diabetes and Gestation Diabetes are the highest in the world.
January 25, 2021 - 10:25am
Infectious diseases physician Professor Josh Davis from the Menzies School of Health Research is looking at whether a drug used to treat pancreatitis can be repurposed to treat COVID-19.
January 17, 2021 - 09:00am
This panel featuring Professor James Smith discusses the ways in which the COVID-19 crisis exposes the differential treatment of minoritized communities.
November 16, 2020 - 12:50pm
The Northern Territory has done as well as any health system in the country at flattening the COVID-19 curve. Dr Nick Douglas and his colleagues discuss with MJA how this was achieved.
November 16, 2020 - 12:30pm
THE Northern Territory’s strict public health measures in response to COVID-19 have so far proved successful in containing community transmission and preventing any deaths, despite the NT hospital system often operating “beyond capacity”, according to the authors of a research letter published online today by the Medical Journal of Australia.
November 11, 2020 - 13:16pm
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, community health training in remote Indigenous communities has been able to continue thanks to a partnership between the Menzies School of Health Research (Menzies) and Medibank.
October 26, 2020 - 17:04pm
Infectious disease doctor Joshua Francis is worried about what COVID-19 will do in a country like Timor Leste, where health facilities are already stretched. He and his colleagues from Menzies School of Health Research set-up the country's first testing facility.
September 22, 2020 - 10:00am
Catch up with Professor Josh Davis. An Infectious Diseases physician at Newcastle’s John Hunter Hospital and researcher at Menzies School of Health Research
August 24, 2020 - 08:58am
Australians who have left the luxuries of home behind to join the virus battle in countries like Iraq and Laos, where aid is incredibly hard to come by, share their stories from the frontline.
July 31, 2020 - 11:56am
Professor Josh Davis, a senior principal research fellow at Menzies and former president of ASID, told Fact Check that comparing deaths from hepatitis B and COVID-19 was "ridiculous".
July 16, 2020 - 10:38am
Nevio Sarmento is a microbiologist on the frontline of Timor-Leste’s COVID-19 response. He is also a PhD student at Menzies studying the serotypes of pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae) in pneumonia and malnourished children under five who are...
June 26, 2020 - 09:06am
Ismael Barreto is a technical advisor for the COVID-19 laboratory response in Timor-Leste. He recently talked to us about his decision to return to Timor-Leste and his role in the response.
June 22, 2020 - 09:07am
Prof James Smith has recently returned from his Fulbright Scholar Program in the US, providing insight into life during COVID-19 in the states.
June 16, 2020 - 06:00am
Dr Josh Francis, who leads Timor-Leste programs at Menzies, said the country was in a strong position to respond to the pandemic due to its expertise in managing dengue.
June 01, 2020 - 15:16pm
Dr Jennifer Yan is a paediatrician and paediatric infectious diseases physician at Royal Darwin Hospital, as well as a senior research fellow at Menzies School of Health Research. At Menzies she leads projects in Timor-Leste with Dr Josh Francis,...
June 01, 2020 - 05:30am
For pandemic-priority it is hard to beat the Menzies School of Health Research which newly offers, a graduate certificate in infectious disease prevention and control.
May 30, 2020 - 12:00pm
Signed by clinicians, medical researchers, statisticians, and ethicists from across the world, follows the publication of a paper on using hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19.
May 29, 2020 - 09:00am
Professor David Thomas says health staff can emphasise the research evidence of the benefits to stress management, mental health and well-being that come with successfully quitting smoking.
May 28, 2020 - 09:30am
Kristy Crooks, PhD Candidate with the Menzies School of Health Research, Charles Darwin University. Kristy is a Euahlayi woman.
May 21, 2020 - 15:10pm
When Timor-Leste voted for independence in 1999, violence erupted in the small island nation. Many Timorese were evacuated to Darwin to escape the withdrawing Indonesian troops. The Northern Territory Centre for Disease Control (CDC) managed the diagnosis...
May 18, 2020 - 13:48pm
Pop-up labs have been transformed to encourage healthy lifestyles and teach communities about how to stay healthy during lock-down and beyond. HealthLAB, a Menzies School of Health Research (Menzies) initiative, is a pop-up lab where you can have an...
May 09, 2020 - 16:58pm
In collaboration with Menzies, the National Health Laboratory in Timor-Leste has begun reporting results of COVID-19 tests independently.
May 01, 2020 - 12:22pm
Across AAMRI’s members there are more than 100 research projects currently in progress relating to COVID-19, covering vaccines, drug trials, diagnostics, screening tests, mental health and indigenous health.
April 29, 2020 - 09:19am
The Magic Cure, written by Professor Anna Ralph, tells the story of two human siblings, an elf, a wizard and the search for a cure for a mystery illness.
April 26, 2020 - 13:00pm
A/Prof Heidi Smith-Vaughan, leads a mobile educational training service team in Darwin called Healthlab. She says while coronavirus has restricted travel, social media has opened up access to communities.
April 24, 2020 - 09:19am
Australian doctors have joined the fight against COVID-19 in Timor-Leste in a bid to prevent devastation in one of South-East Asia's most vulnerable countries.
April 23, 2020 - 13:54pm
An Australian doctor on the frontline of treating COVID-19 in East Timor, has called on his trust in God to help him, warning of the “devastating” impact if the virus spreads in the vulnerable nation.
April 23, 2020 - 13:40pm
Prof Kelly spent nine years in the NT working as a principal research fellow at the Menzies School of Health Research, as well as with the Centre for Disease Control.
April 23, 2020 - 13:32pm
Menzies researcher and Co-director of infectious diseases at Royal Darwin and Palmerston Hospitals Dr Jane Davies said the two drugs have shown promising signs of working to fight the virus in test tubes.
April 16, 2020 - 10:56am
Australian doctors have joined the fight against COVID-19 in Timor-Leste in a bid to prevent devastation in one of South-East Asia's most vulnerable countries.
April 15, 2020 - 11:15am
The Play to Connect team work with parents and children aged between three and seven to learn about child development through creative child-led play.
April 14, 2020 - 16:31pm
President Trump has suggested there are few novel coronavirus cases in “malaria countries” because of the use of the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine.
April 09, 2020 - 14:00pm
For many years, experts at Menzies School of Health Research have contributed to the development and revision of national guidelines for health service delivery. The COVID-19 pandemic poses multiple challenges to how we deliver critical health services...
April 09, 2020 - 10:07am
Edited excerpt: Associate Professor Erin Smith and Professor Ross Andrews discuss their role in the nation’s recent crises and the contribution that universities and researchers make to the nation during such times.
April 07, 2020 - 16:00pm
"Having cancer can be a stressful situation, made more challenging during the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s really important for our Mob that we take particular care of ourselves, stay isolated as much as possible, especially if you are 50 or over...
April 07, 2020 - 11:00am
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a team of Menzies researchers have developed a series of videos for people living in Aboriginal communities with health conditions such as chronic kidney, lung and/or heart disease. The videos encourage people to stay...
April 06, 2020 - 09:35am
The world will emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic changed. Phasing out cigarette sales would be an enormous long-term gain for public health.
April 03, 2020 - 14:30pm
Professor Josh Davis is a clinician researcher, and divides his time between clinical work as an infectious diseases physician in Newcastle, and research work as a senior principal research fellow based at Menzies. He is also the President of the...
April 03, 2020 - 09:46am
Indigenous peoples over 50 have been directed to self-isolate, while for non-Indigenous people the age cut-off is 70. This is a reminder of the ongoing crisis of Indigenous health.
April 02, 2020 - 15:00pm
Dr Lisa Whop a senior research fellow at Menzies has collaborated with Dr Chelsea Bond a senior research fellow at the University of Queensland's School of Social Science to provide a thought provoking article addressing Indigenous vulnerability to...
April 02, 2020 - 09:00am
Local Aboriginal implementation officers are delivering an innovative variation of the Play to Connect parenting program in Wurrumiyanga, Tiwi Islands to support families through learning and play. The Menzies Play to Connect team works with parents and...
April 01, 2020 - 14:41pm
Dear Minister Fyles - Please see the attached letter from a group of public health researchers concerned about the impact of COVID-19 on patterns of gambling, and in particular, online gambling.
April 01, 2020 - 12:06pm
Despite the political impasse, preparations for their COVID-19 response by the interim government and President have been systematic and reassuring.
March 31, 2020 - 12:15pm
The Australian Government is working closely with partners to support a coordinated response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Pacific.
March 27, 2020 - 09:00am
Menzies has had a key role in helping the Ministry of Health in Timor-Leste prepare for the likelihood of a COVID-19 outbreak through health systems strengthening. Currently, Timor-Leste has only one confirmed case of COVID-19, however an outbreak could...
March 22, 2020 - 04:00am
Pressure is building for poker machine venues to be closed. A number of public health and gambling experts made the call almost a week ago and yet slot machine venues remain open across Tasmania.
March 17, 2020 - 10:00am
Dr Jane Davies, was instrumental in establishing the Menzies collaborative hepatitis B research program in the Northern Territory. Dr Davies is also the co-Director of Infectious Diseases at Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH), and has been an integral part of...
March 05, 2020 - 11:02am
Coronavirus [COVID-19] is now affecting 75 countries, with the total number of cases over 90,000 and the global death toll at more than 3000.