Current publications:
  • Robinson, Gary & Lee, Eunro & Leckning, Bernard & Silburn, Sven & Nagel, Tricia & Midford, Richard. (2022). Validity and reliability of resiliency measures trialled for the evaluation of a preventative Resilience-promoting social-emotional curriculum for remote Aboriginal school students. PLOS ONE. 17. e0262406. 10.1371/journal.pone.0262406.
  • Franck, Linel & Midford, Richard & Cahill, Helen & Buergelt, Petra & Robinson, Gary & Leckning, Bernard & Paton, Douglas. (2020). Enhancing Social and Emotional Wellbeing of Aboriginal Boarding Students: Evaluation of a Social and Emotional Learning Pilot Program. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17. 771. 10.3390/ijerph17030771.
  • Robinson, Gary & Lee, Eunro & Silburn, Sven & Nagel, Patricia & Leckning, Bernard & Midford, Richard. (2020). School-Based Prevention in Very Remote Settings: A Feasibility Trial of Methods and Measures for the Evaluation of a Social Emotional Learning Program for Indigenous Students in Remote Northern Australia. Frontiers in Public Health. 8. 552878. 10.3389/fpubh.2020.552878.
Earlier publications:
  • Midford, R., Cahill, H., Lester, L., Ramsen, R., Foxcroft, D., Venning, L. (2017) Alcohol prevention for school students: Results from a 1-year follow up of a cluster-randomised controlled trial of harm minimisation school drug education, Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 25(1) 88-96
  • Robinson, G., Leckning, B., Midford, R., Harper, H., Silburn, S., Gannaway, J., ... Delphine, T. (2016). Developing a school-based preventive life skills program for youth in a remote Indigenous community in North Australia. Health Education, 116(5), 510-523.
  • Robinson, G., Leckning, B., Midford, R., Harper, H., Silburn, S., Gannaway, J., Dolan, K., Delphine, T., Hayes, C. (2016) Developing a school-based preventive life skills program for youth in a remote Indigenous community in north Australia. Health Education 116 (5) 510-523
  • Midford, R., Cahill, H., Geng, G., Leckning, B., Robinson, G.W., Te Ava, A. (2016) Social and emotional education with Australian Year 7 and 8 middle school students: A pilot study. Health Education Journal 76(3) 362-372
  • O'Sullivan, T. A., Robinson, M., Kendall, G. E., Miller, M., Jacoby, P., Silburn, S. R., & Oddy, W. H. (2009) A good-quality breakfast is associated with better mental health in adolescence, Public Health Nutrition, 12(2), 249-258.
  • Robinson, M., Oddy, W., Li, J. (2008). Pre- and postnatal influences on preschool mental health: a large-scale cohort study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 49(10) 1118–1128
  • Oddy, W. H., Robinson, M., Ambrosini, G. L., O'Sullivan TA, de Klerk, N. H., Beilin, L. J., Silburn, S. R., Zubrick, S. R., & Stanley, F. J. 2009, The association between dietary patterns and mental health in early adolescence, Preventive Medicine, 49(1) 39-44.