One21seventy would like to acknowledge and thank the people who contributed to the development of the One21seventy eLearning Modules.
Working Group members:
Jacki Mein, Cath Kennedy, Ru Kwedza, Louise Patel, Kerry Copley, Paul Ryan, Mary King, Jenny Hains, Alison Males, Diana Mosca, Sue Ferguson-Hill and Jenny Brands.
For module development:
Alison Laycock, Emily O'Connell, Christine Connors, Ross Bailie, Cynthia Croft, Veronica Matthews, Barry Scrimshaw and Ben Wiles.
The team at Captovate:
Emma Blake, Rachel Coggan and Karen Hawkes.
For providing and consent to use photos and videos:
Graham Dowling, Anne Flynn, Josie Samson, Kate Pennington,David Johnson, Janice Guiness, Toni Thomson, Christopher Galaminda, Richard Dixon, Christine Connors, Jenny Hains, Ross Bailie, Therese Kearns, George Gurruwiwi, Adrian Gurruwiwi, Roslyn Gundjirrjirr, Shanelle Gondara, Annalisa Warlapinni, Cherie Mackley, Emma Blake, Emily O'Connell and Deb Taylor Thompson.
- Goondir Health Services, Queensland
- Mawarnkarra Health Service, Western Australia
- Tjuntjuntjara Health Service, South Australia
- One21seventy training workshop participants
- Aboriginal communities, health services and researchers involved in the Childhood Anaemia Knowledge and Resource Development Project
- Menzies Communications