Human Research Ethics Committee of NT Health and Menzies School of Health Research

The Human Research Ethics Committee of NT Health and Menzies School of Health Research (NT HREC) operates in accordance with the National Health and Medical Research Council’s (NHMRC) National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2023). The HREC is registered with the NHMRC and certified for multi-site review. (NHMRC Reg no: EC00153).

The NT HREC supports the research activities of the NT Department of Health and Menzies School of Health Research and also considers ethics applications submitted by non-government service providers and other research institutions from outside the NT who wish to conduct research across the NT.

Volunteer Position – NT Human Research Ethics Committee

Are you keen to make a contribution to the Northern Territory by promoting and advocating for excellent and ethical human research?

Express your interest to join the HREC as a category D (Pastoral Carer) member!

Under the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research, the category D (Pastoral Carer) member is a person who performs a pastoral care role in a community, for example, an Aboriginal elder, a minister of religion.

A Pastoral Carer member is appointed because of their experience and involvement in community life and the expectation is that they would complement other opinions in the Committee about the way that people that they have worked with would accept and respond to proposed research (AHRECS 2020).

Members typically attend 1 meeting per month (10 per year), of approximately 2-3 hours duration, plus allocate a time to preparation (reading and reviewing applications) with meetings held either in person or virtually.

To express your interest, please contact Lauren at

Multi-site research and NMA

The Northern Territory has agreed to be part of the National Mutual Acceptance (NMA) Scheme for single ethical review. The NT HREC, which has been certified for multi-site review, may accept the review and approval granted by another NMA certified HREC when the application conforms with NT requirements.

For research studies intending to enrol participants from the Northern Territory under the NMA scheme including clinical trials and national registries, please refer to the National Mutual Acceptance (NMA) subpage.

More information on ethics processes in the NT may be found on the following pages:

  1. 1. Ethics overview
  2. 2. Human Research Ethics Committees in the NT
  3. 3. National Mutual Acceptance (NMA) application process
  4. 4. NT HREC standard application process.
  5. 5. Evaluations/QA/Audits
  6. 6. Stakeholder, site support and permits
  7. 7. Low Risk Human Research
  8. 8. Amendments and reporting
  9. 9. Fee for review
  10. 10. Guidelines, checklists, resources and links
  11. 11. Forms
  12. 12. Human Research Ethics Committee meeting dates 2025
  13. 13. Contact us