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Displaying 211 to 220 of 397 results.

Publication Type

Out of the ground: aerial and exotic habitats of the melioidosis bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei in grasses in Australia

Kaestli, M.E., Schmid, M., Mayo, M.J., Rothballer, M., Harrington, G.I., Richardson, L.J., Hill, A., Hill, J., Tuanyok, A., Keim, P.S., Hartmann, A., Currie, B., (2012). Out of the ground: aerial and exotic habitats of the melioidosis bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei in grasses in Australia. Environmental Microbiology, 14. (8), 2058-2070

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Journal Article

The impact of sexually transmissible infection programs in remote Aboriginal communities in Australia: a systematic review

Guy, R., Ward, J., Smith, K., Su, J.Y., Huang, R.L., Tangey, A., Skov, S., Rumbold, A., Silver, B.J., Donovan, B., Kaldor, J., (2012). The impact of sexually transmissible infection programs in remote Aboriginal communities in Australia: a systematic review. Sexual Health, 9. (3), 205-212

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Journal Article

Type 2 diabetes in young Indigenous Australians in rural and remote areas: diagnosis, screening, management and prevention

Azzopardi, P., Brown, A., Zimmet, P., Fahy, R., Dent, G., Kelly, M., Kranzusch, K., Maple-Brown, L.J., Nossar, V., Silink, M., Sinha, A., Stone, M., Wren, S., (2012). Type 2 diabetes in young Indigenous Australians in rural and remote areas: diagnosis, screening, management and prevention. Medical Journal of Australia, 197. (1), 32-36

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Journal Article

Plasmodium vivax: Clinical Spectrum, Risk Factors and Pathogenesis

Anstey, N., Douglas, N., POESPOPRODJO, J., Price, R., (2012). Plasmodium vivax: Clinical Spectrum, Risk Factors and Pathogenesis. Advances in Parasitology, 80. 151-201

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Journal Article

HPV status of oropharyngeal cancer by combination HPV DNA/p16 testing: Biological relevance of discordant results

Hong, A., Jones, D., Chatfield, M., Soon Lee, C., Zhang, M., Clark, J., Elliott, M., Harnett, G., Milross, C., Rose, B., (2012). HPV status of oropharyngeal cancer by combination HPV DNA/p16 testing: Biological relevance of discordant results. Annals of Surgical Oncology. DOI 10.1245/s10434-012-2778-4

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Journal Article

The burden of Invasive Bacterial Infections in Pemba, Zanibar

Thriemer, K., Ley, B., Ame, S.M., Von Seidlein, L., Deok Pak, G., Chang, N.Y., Hashim, R., Schmied, W., Busch, C., Nixon, S., Morrissey, A., Puri, M.K., Ali, M., Ochiai, R., Wierzba, T., Jiddawi, M.S., Clemens, J.D., Ali, S.M., Deen, J., (2012). The burden of Invasive Bacterial Infections in Pemba, Zanibar. PLoS One, 7. (2), e30350

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Journal Article

Food subsidy programs and the health and nutritional status of disadvantaged families in high income countries: a systematic review

Black, A., Brimblecombe, J.K., Eyles, H., Morris, P., Hassan, V., O'Dea, K., (2012). Food subsidy programs and the health and nutritional status of disadvantaged families in high income countries: a systematic review. BMC Public Health, 12. (1099), 1-24

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Quality Improvement Reports: Measuring what matters in delivering services to remote-dwelling Indigenous mothers and infants in the Northern Territory, Australia

Steenkamp, M., Rumbold, A., Kildea, S., Bar-Zeev, S., Kruske, S., Dunbar, T., Barclay, L., (2012). Quality Improvement Reports: Measuring what matters in delivering services to remote-dwelling Indigenous mothers and infants in the Northern Territory, Australia. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 20. (4), 228-237

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Journal Article

Impact and Perceptions of Tobacco Tax Increase in Remote Australian Aboriginal Communities

Thomas, D.P., Ferguson, M.M., Johnston, V., Brimblecombe, J.K., (2012). Impact and Perceptions of Tobacco Tax Increase in Remote Australian Aboriginal Communities. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 15. (6), 1099-1106

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Problematizing alcohol through the eyes of the other: Alcohol policy and Aboriginal drinking in the Northern Territory, Australia

D'Abbs, P.H.N., (2012). Problematizing alcohol through the eyes of the other: Alcohol policy and Aboriginal drinking in the Northern Territory, Australia. Contemporary Drug Problems, 39. (3), 371-396

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