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Displaying 251 to 260 of 397 results.

Publication Type

Clonality and alpha-a recombination in the Australian Cryptococcus gattii VGII population--an emerging outbreak in Australia

Carriconde, F., Gilgado, F., Arthur, I., Ellis, D., Malik, R., van de Wiele, N., Robert, V., Currie, B., Meyer, W., (2011). Clonality and alpha-a recombination in the Australian Cryptococcus gattii VGII population--an emerging outbreak in Australia. PLoS One, 6. (2), e16936

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Journal Article

Differential Effects of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 on Remote and Indigenous Groups, Northern Territory, Australia, 2009

McCracken Trauer, J., Laurie, K., Mcdonnell, J., Kelso, A., Markey, P., (2011). Differential Effects of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 on Remote and Indigenous Groups, Northern Territory, Australia, 2009. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 17. (9), 1615-1623

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Journal Article

Global research priorities in rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease

Carapetis, J.R., Zuhlke, L., (2011). Global research priorities in rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease. Annals of Pediatric Cardiology, 4. 4-12

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Journal Article

Book Review: The case for herd immunity. Gone Viral, The germs tha share our lives. Frank Bowden, University of New South Wales Press 2011 ISBN 978174223273.

Currie, B., (2011). Book Review: The case for herd immunity. Gone Viral, The germs tha share our lives. Frank Bowden, University of New South Wales Press 2011 ISBN 978174223273.. Medical Journal of Australia, 196. (5), 359-359

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Journal Article

Integrating an ecological approach into an Aboriginal community-based chronic disease prevention program: a longitudinal process evaluation

Cargo, M., Elisabeth, M., Brimblecombe, J.K., Scarlett, M., Maypilama, E., Garnggulkpuy Dhurrkay, J., Daniels, M., (2011). Integrating an ecological approach into an Aboriginal community-based chronic disease prevention program: a longitudinal process evaluation. BMC Public Health, 2011. (11), 299

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Journal Article

Molecular Investigations of a Locally Acquired Case of Melioidosis in Southern AZ, USA

Engelthaler, D.M., Bowers, J., Schupp, J., Pearson, T., Ginther, J.L., Hornstra, H., Dale, J., Stewart, T., Sunenshine, R., Waddell, V., Levy, C., Gillece, J., Price, L., Contente, T., Becstrom-Sternberg, S., Blaney, D., Wagner, D.M., Mayo, M.J., Currie, B., Keim, P.S., Tuanyok, A., (2011). Molecular Investigations of a Locally Acquired Case of Melioidosis in Southern AZ, USA. PLoS One, 5. (10), e1347

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Journal Article

Asymmetric dimethylarginine, endothelial nitric oxide bioavailability and mortality in sepsis

Davis, J., Darcy, C., Yeo, T., Jones, C., Mcneil, Y., Stephens, D.P., Celermajer, D.S., Anstey, N., (2011). Asymmetric dimethylarginine, endothelial nitric oxide bioavailability and mortality in sepsis. PLoS One, 6. (2), e17260

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Ex Vivo Drug Susceptibility of Ferroquine against Chloroquine-Resistant Isolates of Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax

Marfurt, J., Chalfein, F., Prayoga, P., Wabiser,, Kenangalem, E., Piera, K.A., Machunter, B., Tjitra, E., Anstey, N., Price, R., (2011). Ex Vivo Drug Susceptibility of Ferroquine against Chloroquine-Resistant Isolates of Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 55. (9), 4461-4464

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Dropout from Computer-based Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Chronic Health Conditions

Dunn, T., Casey, L., Sheffield, J., Newcombe, P., Chang, A.B., (2011). Dropout from Computer-based Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Chronic Health Conditions. Journal of Health Psychology, 17. (3), 429-42

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Do sex and atopy influence cough outcome measurements in children?

Chang, A.B., Gibson, P., Willis, C., Petsky, H., Widdicombe, J., Masters, I.B., Robertson, C.F., (2011). Do sex and atopy influence cough outcome measurements in children?. Chest, 140. (2), 324-330

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